Dead Horse

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Me and Mrs S feel the same way....

What's all the hoo-ha about?
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There is a difference between what organisations profess, and what really happens.
100% agree. This will be the tip of an iceberg when it comes to poor treatment of racehorses when alive or dead! Ok you might think 'So what? It's dead!' however it's about having respect for animals. You either buy into that or you don't. Look at it this way, if you had a family dog that died, would you think it was cool for your young child to sit astride the dead body and pose in a jokey way?
100% agree. This will be the tip of an iceberg when it comes to poor treatment of racehorses when alive or dead! Ok you might think 'So what? It's dead!' however it's about having respect for animals. You either buy into that or you don't. Look at it this way, if you had a family dog that died, would you think it was cool for your young child to sit astride the dead body and pose in a jokey way?

How can I explain this?

The posing over the dead horse doesn't bother me at all, the horse is dead and beyond caring - what does bother me is that it was symptomatic of what he thought of the horse when it was alive.

I have had a few pets die or not to be put down, I was always very upset by the process - I certainly would not be gloating over the body.
His excuses for sitting on the horse are lol pathetic. Reminds me of the sketch they used to do on Little Britain when the politician walked to his garden gate to explain his actions to reporters.
I'm surprised at the why the hoo-ha comment. It's a pretty disgraceful and disrespectful thing to do (sitting on a dead animal and giving a thumbs up). Don't you think animals deserve dignity after death?
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