Dear Breezer

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Breezer will, of course, know for sure, but my guess would be either dick pepper or harry vinegar.
ban-all-sheds said:
dick pepper or harry vinegar.

sorry i do not follow?

Tom Salter was an alarm engineer i knew, he came home sat down, his wife popped out to the shops, came back Tom was dead, died in the chair he sat in, had a heart attack.

Trouble was he was only 29-32 ish (we, his mates never asked exactly how old)
Either this is code, or Ban's on the nefarious substances again....
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Tis a shame indeed when this happens, I knew a Guy 20 years ago that did something similar.

By knew him, I mean we knew each other in the pub :) but Nobby was an OK Guy, played on the pool team and the darts team. Never argued with anyone, always was the voice of reason.

Worked for BR at Temple Mills and was sent home feeling ill one thursday, Caroline, his wife of only 4 months, sent him to bed as he had a darts match that night in the Cowley. When she went to wake him up, he was dead, just died in his sleep at 26!!

It's a real **** when that happens, it is never the bar stewards that go out that way, just the good guys.
breezer said:
sorry i do not follow?
I'm sorry - I had no idea. I saw the original post (which made not a lot of sense to me), and fired off a quick reply.

The post was "what happened tom salter??????"

So Tom -> Dick -> Harry
Salter -> Pepper -> Vinegar.

Seems a bit lame now, given the circs. My condolences to his family and friends..
I was sorry to hear about what happened to Tom Salter. Please accept my condolences also.

Do you know any more about why he had a heart attack at such a young age?

Did he have any children or siblings? Because if he did they should be checked for familial conditions that raise your risk of having a heart attack.

Also there have been rare reports of sudden heart attacks in young people after large amounts of binge drinking (especially coupled with exercise). The exact mechanism is unknown but thought to be due to spasm of the coronary arteries(the arteries that supply blood to the heart). This is compounded by smoking.

I realise this is all academic after what happened but sometimes it helps to try and know why and try to prevent it happening to someone else. At the end of the day, only the good ones get to leave this world early and get to spend longer in the next much better one. It's just not so nice on the ones that get left behind!
FWL_Engineer said:
Worked for BR at Temple Mills and was sent home feeling ill one thursday.
Are you sure it was me he was working for?
We have a comedian in the house!!!

Although, I did think of you Br, when I read it!!
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