Debit card oddity

Who needs any receipts at all, it's all electronic and stored on the system for years?

That's not what you were saying. You were saying that you have no record of cash purchases. There are records of cash purchases, ie. receipts. 'Quaint' I know, but they are a reliable record of expenditure that have been around a very long time.
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That's not what you were saying. You were saying that you have no record of cash purchases.

OK, by default, you will have no record of the small purchases you make. Buy a packet chewing gum, and I would be very surprised if they offered you a receipt. Even if you were to be given a receipt, who would store them? With a card, a receipt is unavoidable, no matter how small the purchase.
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Which only shows the total amount spent, and where. No itemisation.

You still have to remember what you bought though, if you want to know what you are spending your money on.

Which is a whole notch up, from not having a clue where my money went using cash.