December 8th is rapidly approaching

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Except that he was real...

Would rather listen to his music than the made up bovine excrement of the imaginary 'son of god'!

That's the great thing about Christian countries like this one. You can say what you like about Jesus and his dad-no one's gonna issue a death warrant against you. Maybe you should appreciate the tolerance here and not move back to wherever it is that you crave? Imagine the outrage if you suggested that Moh or Allah spoke "Bovine excrement"?
That's the great thing about Christian countries like this one. You can say what you like about Jesus and his dad-no one's gonna issue a death warrant against you.
But you can effectively be prevented from holding public office, or join various institutions...

Got thrown out of a council meeting once when I refused to stand for the opening 'prayers'...

Still waiting for the 'outrage' :rolleyes:
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That's the great thing about Christian countries like this one. You can say what you like about Jesus and his dad-no one's gonna issue a death warrant against you.

That is a characteristic of contemporary Britain, not a characteristic of Christianity. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition here. You are currently permitted to be an MP even if you are not an Anglican Christian, but that has not always been the case.

If you are a Roman Catholic you are now allowed, since 2015, to marry an heir to the throne, but you are not allowed to be King or Queen.

You can be thrown in jail for inappropriate behaviour in a Russian "Christian" church, and you can be imprisoned if you are a Jehovah's Witness.
Religion is a bit like Brexit. People have to have faith when there is no proof.
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