Deisel or petrol??

In that case I would go for a fiesta. But I would get a 1.4 diesel.

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Important thing is to test drive a diesel and a petrol from whatever model you like...

There are good diesels and bad diesels, likewise there are good petrols and bad petrols.

From driving various hirecars, I prefer the BMW diesels to the VAG diesels: the VAG diesels are brilliant but the BMW ones are even better.

If you are used to petrol engines and do country lane driving, you need to be wary of one point of diesel engines: they feel wonderfully potent during normal driving, but then you floor it to overtake someone you find you've been using 80-90% of your torque all along. Pedal-to-the-metal isn't quite what you were expecting. Plus there is a fraction of a second's delay between pressing the accelerator and getting some oomph (not turbo lag, just down to the passive nature of diesel induction), so it doesn't feel as "tight" as a petrol engine.

If you're interested in the actual ability of the car rather than just the *feel* of the car, take a stopwatch too: diesels are very peaky, so can feel mighty but when compared to the more linear torque of a petrol engine are actually slower, despite *feeling* faster. I drove a BMW 120i diesel that *felt* faster than my own car, but when I timed it it was 2 seconds slower from 70-100mph.

I'd definitely consider a diesel for my next car, though. A 330 or 335 would do me just fine :D
Notice stepper motors on a turbo wastegate.....intense heat like that and electric motors don't really mix - but I still love diesels.
John :)

Agreed with all that post
Would that one be the mondeo??? only a full turbo rather than just the waste gate change
What puts me off modern diesels is never knowing whether some previous owner has put petrol in it... can mean a new (expensive) fuel pump will soon be required

.......even more worrying is the FAP systems fitted to alot of newer models - this system looks likely to completely destroy the second hand values of any diesel car.

....think I will stick to petrol
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Yes, and moving on from that point, when buying a second hand diesel, I'd be very worried that some previous owner had been trying to save a few quid by running it on cooking oil or central heating oil. Obviously, if you're looking at a relatively expensive car with not many miles on it, that's less likely - but as the recession bits, I think it's a worry on cheaper cars that are a few years older. Very old diesels can cope pretty well with this but it can cause huge damage to modern "common rail" diesels and, as has been said, they can be eye-wateringly expensive to fix!
mmmmmmmmmm...reading through the posts I think due to mileage/usage it will be a petrol...still thinking of a corsa or fiesta only reason being my son will be added to the insurance soon and I am expecting to get hit hard when I add him so thinking of a group 1/2 car any other ideas

Buy your son a push bike? :D