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ha ha, deluks sounds like the old bloke who lived on the end house near me when i was a kid,
" if you kick your ball over my wall i will puncture it with a knife", he would say, then he cemented broken glass all along the top of his wall to discourage us from climbing over,
i think maggie thatcher was the same breed of person, :mad:
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Most of my stuff is a bit of a wind-up & the remainder is a bit of site banter
banter and wind-ups should be amusing and entertaining, you are neither.
Your only intention is to try to make youself look smarter than everyone else and belittle anyone who hasn't been changing ball valves and fixing lead roofs for 60yrs.
Funny the only time you've contributed to plumbing topics in a helpful way is when its about basic plumbing jobs regarding bogs and waste.
Never seen you help out with boiler or heating faults before, wonder why :rolleyes: ...........
I guess they dont teach you how to repair things on these 5 year apprenticeships.

PS just went to look at Screwfun forum and seen how deserted and useless it is, you've done a good job there. No wonder you and your cronies are all hanging around here now
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No, no Micky you balloon, we are now on here cause you winker know all about Plumbing & the Mods asked us to join up, as all the DaftyDIY'ers were getting confused, granted it's not hard to confuse a DaftyDIYer!!

What do you need to know about boilers son, you're clearly not the brightest.
... & the Mods asked us to join up...

you have now completely lost the plot Dicky, as well as the last vague traces of credibility; you really should seek psychiatric help. At least you are harmless behind a keyboard; god only knows what you would do if they let you out into the real world.
Are you two Gaylorn Engerlish Morris Dancers a double act or just a pair of t.ts??
and what are you gob on legs apart from being a desk jockey cos all you have going for you is yer gob

and the sooner it goes the better

and take your sidekick with you

you are just an ass, puller nothing else

you shouldnt even be posting as you are banned
Do you need a Greencard Kev to stay in that caravan in Whitley Bay???......................Have a nice day rsole!!!......... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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