ah but you see everyone wants the police to be everything to everyone all the time. Of course they should be kind and courteuos and respectful to the general public, at all times. Trouble is its not always that easy. Youve pulled a driver over for speeding and hes a little bit anti, you should be courteuos of course you should. Only trouble is 10 minutes before you were rolling around on the floor having a fight with a guy you were trying to arrest and youve picked up a few bumps and bruises so you dont feel your best. An hour ago you just left the greiving parents of a child who died suddenly, so your days been a little ruined. 20 minutes ago you finally got away from the minging abusive drug adict, whose covered in scabies, who youve had to spend 3 hours with while you deal with him in custody. 2 hours ago you were picking up the bits of the victim of a road crash killed by a speeding driver.
Thats the job they do and they are expeted to do. Its not always easy and sometimes i saw guys who were as civil and decent as could be lose it with someone, just because of something else had happened on the shift. Some were just like that all the time, and you get the same in all walks of life. Some never did and were the model police officer all their service. Some of those lost it over the smallest thing after seeing it all for too long and never came back the same person.
Theyre human, you expect them to do a job dealing with stuff you, quite frankly would never want to see, let alone deal with. Few people thank them, lots of people criticise them, and make sweeping statements. The government screws them over, their senior officres screw them over in an effort to climb the promotion ladder and still they turn up each day to deal with the crap. Some days they just have a bad day.