Well said WKID. Some people are so narrow minded they cannot see outside their own little sad world.
while I am not a big fan of the police I agree that at that time London was under attack, nobody knew how many (if any) more bomb there were. It's not an easy job being an armed copper under such circumstances.
Jean charles was an illegal immigrant lets not forget.
A fair comment except JC didn't deserve being shot for being an II!
would I wanted to be that armed officer? NO
was the response at the time under the circumstances warrented?
he ran.
for reasons not known to any of the officer's.
it was an atmoshere fit to ignite, speculation and dodgey info was rife.
he ran,
the officer did what he had been trained to do, he eliminted what he could only percieve as a human bomb, a suicide bomber, because thats what he been lead to believe.