did i just see this?

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Never drink and drive. You may have an accident, and break the bottle!
You can actually be pulled up by the police for almost anything you do in your car whilst it is in motion, such as eating, drinking (any kind of drink), applying make-up, shaving, twiddling with your radio and yes, even smoking.
If the police think you are not in total control of your vehicle, (car/van/lorry/motorbike and even push bike!), they have the right to stop you and explain why they are stopping you.
If they see you trying to light a match to light your fag/cigar/pipe they can do you for lack of concentration, not being in full control of your vehicle, careless/dangerous driving and failure to observe other road users.
There's probably more but I can't think of them at the moment.

Just as a point, you do not have to be over the limit to be cautioned for drink driving. If, in the opinion of the police officer, your driving is a danger, regardless if the breath test is negative, you can still be arrested and charged for drinking whilst under the influence of alcohol.
So yes, I think Steve did the right thing, who knows how many other cans he has had along the way?
lol you guys crack me up.

i've phoned it in anyway. they are gonna circulate the reg number.

why anyone would feel the need to drink alcohol whilst driving beats me!

the chances are that wont have been the blokes first can therefore steve done the right thing phoning the nabbers.

if that was the guys first beer then he will have nothing to fear getting a pull will he.
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If the police think you are not in total control of your vehicle, (car/van/lorry/motorbike and even push bike!), they have the right to stop you and explain why they are stopping you.

I was driving through a 'traffic calming' chicane a few days ago, and noticed that the oncoming driver was putting a clip in her hair. Yes, she did need both hands to do it.

In the circumstances, I decided not to sound my horn. Might have made her jump ...
Rightly or wrongly, pull-ups by the fuzz are still discretionary.
I think Steve did the right and responsible thing to do.
Beggers belief why someone would deliberately stop the car, get out, open the boot, just to get a can of beer then drive off drinking it. Must have been desparate = alcoholic? you never know.
It certainly wouldn't quench his thirst, alcohol doesn't do that, especially if its been in a warm boot of a car.

What gets me is the 'not in full control' rhubarb they come out with. You take your hand off the wheel to change gear ffs, how is that any different to a lot of other one-handed driving. I'm sure we've all heard other drivers crunching their gears? Well that probably takes them about 5 secs to get into gear when they eventually find it, certainly long enough to cause distraction and be 'not in full control'.
Then you hear of someone being given points and fines for sneezing. Unless they can prove via doctors note that they have an allergy that casued them to sneeze! WTF?!!? :eek: :rolleyes: they get done for 'not being in control' of their vehicle.
Just as a point, you do not have to be over the limit to be cautioned for drink driving. If, in the opinion of the police officer, your driving is a danger, regardless if the breath test is negative, you can still be arrested and charged for drinking whilst under the influence of alcohol.
So yes, I think Steve did the right thing, who knows how many other cans he has had along the way?
This is incorrect Conny.

The police officer may still arrest an individual following a negative breath test if they believe that the individual is not in a fit state to drive. This discretion is afforded to the police for a number of reasons ... The obvious ones being the testing device may be faulty or the individual may have an intolerance to alcohol and be unfit to drive after the sniff of a cork.

However ... They would NEVER be charged for drinking whilst under the influence of alcohol unless they gave a positive blood test ... This is the only legal way of establishing that they are actually under the influence of alcohol.

In terms of Steve's action ... Completely agree, the guy deserves to be pulled and tested at least ... Such a stupid thing to do I'd guess that he was probably ****ed already.

Steve would then have reported him for thinking about getting the can of beer from the boot, drinking it and driving off ;)

Bit like a bloke walking down a street smoking a fag, chances are it isn't his first, and he'll prbably drop it, thus littering.

I'd pull him over, and remind him of his responsibilities not to litter, preferably at the police station, after a thorough internal examination, afterall nicotine is a well know gateway drug, and he is likely to be a Class A drug user as well :rolleyes:
Thats amazing how can you tell so much from someone smoking? :eek:
What gets me is the 'not in full control' rhubarb they come out with. You take your hand off the wheel to change gear ffs, how is that any different to a lot of other one-handed driving.

The difference is that changing gear would be classed as controling the car, thats what gears are for (although the wife still struggles - women drivers!!)

I think you are becoming confused between controlling the car, and steering the car. There is more to controlling the car than just steering.
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