Didn't see concrete post...

If the bumper is made from ABS then an ABS solvent could be used to solvent weld strips of ABS on the back of the bumper across the crack to provide the necessary strength to prevent the crack opening again.

The solvent used for solvent welded waste pipes might work but something like Plastick 1506 would be much more agressive and hence make a better bond.

Test on a clean bit of the back of the bumper and don't get any solvent on the front.
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Ok, it took me a few weeks to get done, but I finally fixed the crack. It is not beautiful- if I wanted a beautiful finish I would have paid professional to do a nice job, but it worked! :D
I ended up using some 'Unibond' epoxy putty and put touch up paint over the top. It is still holding, and looks solid enough. See the photo below to see my mend (or is it more of a bodge?? :))
When I get time, I think I might sand it back a little (as well as the other grazes you can see on the bumper- caused by 'him indoors' by the way not me!!) and use some body filler to smooth it out. Any suggestions?
Thanks again for all your help and advice!
The Mrs


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I'd say that was a mighty fine attempt, and a bit more sanding wouldn't come amiss. You've stopped the crack spreading and that's a good move.
If you consider any painting, be aware that there will always be some overspray which can be very awkward to remove so at this point I'd consider calling the Chipsaway people if you want to take it further.
Thanks for the feedback!
John :)
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Just a reminder that you need special filler for flexible plastic bumpers. You'll find it on EBay
Just as a tip for anyone reading this, if your bumper is ABS, which would be normal, then a solvent ( and therefore glue ) for this is acetone which can be bought cheaply as there is unlikely to be a big enough jar of nail-polish remover in the house.
I noticed last time I was in France you could buy acetone in such places as M. Bricolage.....no such freedom here as far as I know :mrgreen:
John :)
Drill a hole at the end of the crack (then fill it in if you wish) to stop the crack growing.


One litre ( or maybe 750 ml ) is about e 6, so good for bumper repairs, but sits around on the shelf for ages :)
Should also have said that there is a full range of industrial liquids available : dilute sulphuric acid ( forget percentage ), white spirit ( pronounced as " wheet speereet " in French , truly ), ammonia etc etc. It really is strange what one country forbids and another puts on open display.*

* In this respect whereas someone can be locked up in the UK for attempting to find out who has number plate XXX, in Switzerland ( or at least when I lived there ) they offer you a booklet to list numbers against owners for a small sum ( £ 25 ? )
One rule for some, and another for us, I guess.....it would be well handy here from time to time but the likes of acetone is debatable if it got into the hands of undesirables!
I have to say, I do approve of the French attitude, typically and I feel very much at home there.
John :)
You can buy sulphuric and hydrochloric acid etc etc here at builders merchants if you know what to ask for.
Back in the 1970's or 80's ( can't recall exactly when ) in the Greater London Council area it was "illegal" to store more than 25 litres of distilled ( de-ionosed ) water because it had not been included in a council generated list of safe chemicals
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