Funny thing is, Thatcher was actually a supporter of trying to save Liverpool from the 'managed decline' some of her cabinet colleagues wanted to follow. So much so that she put one of her 'wets' in charge aka Heseltine.
Now, obviously she didn't have much time for Degsy - but then what sane person would. But her desire to stop him in his tracks shouldn't be associated with a desire to see Liverpool fail. In fact Thatcher probably stopped our dear Degsy from doing just that himself, he would happily have taken Liverpool down in order to further his own personal goals.
Of course it won't be seen like that by those who want to dig her up and dance on her corpse.
You'd have to be at least fifty now to realise this of course, most people weren't around at the time to see it for how it was.
The thing that fckd liverpool up was being on the wrong side of the country once we joined the common market. Don't for one minute think that normal people in Liverpool didn't see hatton for the obnoxious opportunistic chancer that he was. As for Thatcher as with all the other tories she knew that investment in liverpool wasn't going to be reflected in the next general election no matter what they did. So they simply doidn't invest, I always thought at the time that we up here would have been far better off if only we'd had some marginal constituencies. None of the previous are reasons for me to hate Thatcher, I hated her because of what she stood for, the one thing I will say for her is that you knew what she stood for no messing, which was basically to fck the working class over as in "put them in their place". Unlike that weasel Blair, who did exactly the same kind of thing but under a supposed labour banner.