Disconnected light

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This is the junction box from the ceiling


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Also I winder if the 'continuity' is via something else like a lamp or two switched on.

EDIT: touche of 'ello 'ello there.... wonder

Yes, but we did say if the other two lights work properly.
Yes but I'm wondering if it's been fudged and maybe that cable is actually strappers to another switch or something.

I'm also thinking that may actually be neutral and something has been messed with elsewhwere. Has any live testing been done yet?
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What rose?


We can see that.

There is only one black wire from that cable.

Can you please be a bit more accurate.

Yes, we can see that as well.

As Securespark said, (if the landing and porch lights work properly then) that black wire must be a permanent live.

So - is the brown wire in that flex hanging from the ceiling connected to any of the wires at the switch position?

Also - could you post another picture of the switch wiring so we can clearly see which wires go to the connector blocks and which cables those wires come from.
I'm trying to explain it as best I can.
I will have to lift floor boards because someone asked how difficult it was to access the cables above the ceiling.
I wasn't sure if it was obvious that one of the cables had been split( apart from the earth wire which hasn't been cut
When I say rose I mean the wires in the ceiling I thought rise was easier than having to say that every time
The black wire RHS of switch is powered regardless of switch position so permanent live?
Yes, ok, but with all those wires at the switch apparently doing nothing, just thought it was a bit early to be lifting floorboards - although we do know a bit more now.
Yes but I'm wondering if it's been fudged and maybe that cable is actually strappers to another switch or something.

I'm also thinking that may actually be neutral and something has been messed with elsewhwere. Has any live testing been done yet?

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