Diseased Chicken for Dinner? It's coming.

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

A proposed new rule would allow poultry plants to process diseased chickens. That’s the last thing Americans need.

When President Trump invoked the act three months ago, as a means to bolster American food security, it marked the beginning of a campaign to deregulate the meat industry.

In July the FSIS approved a petition from the National Chicken Council requesting that slaughterhouses be allowed to process broilers infected with Avian Leukosis — a virus that causes chickens to develop cancerous lesions and tumors. Inspectors would no longer be required to examine the first 300 birds of each flock for signs of the disease, and processors would be able to cut off tumors and lesions and then process the rest of the bird.

Looks like Chlorinated chicken is the least of our concerns. This is why Trump is dangerous - yet so many bozos on here support him.
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A proposed new rule would allow poultry plants to process diseased chickens. That’s the last thing Americans need.

When President Trump invoked the act three months ago, as a means to bolster American food security, it marked the beginning of a campaign to deregulate the meat industry.

In July the FSIS approved a petition from the National Chicken Council requesting that slaughterhouses be allowed to process broilers infected with Avian Leukosis — a virus that causes chickens to develop cancerous lesions and tumors. Inspectors would no longer be required to examine the first 300 birds of each flock for signs of the disease, and processors would be able to cut off tumors and lesions and then process the rest of the bird.

Looks like Chlorinated chicken is the least of our concerns. This is why Trump is dangerous - yet so many bozos on here support him.

usual attempt at scare mongering propaganda waffle

no mention about the chinese from u and there standards

blimey they are so high they have caused a world wide pandemic

Perhaps if Hoo Mee from Wuhan had washed his bat or frog in chlorine before eating it there would not have been a pandemic
usual attempt at scare mongering propaganda waffle

no mention about the chinese from u and there standards

blimey they are so high they have caused a world wide pandemic

Perhaps if Hoo Mee from Wuhan had washed his bat or frog in chlorine before eating it there would not have been a pandemic

Why would I need to mention the chinese you dumbo. Your argument is then we are at least not as bad as the Chinese.

Dumb idiot.
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And the EU allow this?

"He highlighted changes in pig inspections by the European Commission in 2014, which moved from a thorough inspection to visual only. “Inspectors stopped cutting lymph nodes in pigs’ heads, which are known to contain abscesses and tuberculosis lesions. Under previous systems, the pigs’ head would have been rejected for food, but now the meat is minced to make sausages and meat pies, spreading the pus from the abscesses and TB material throughout these products".

What say you @SirGalahad ? Happy with these standards?
And the EU allow this?

"He highlighted changes in pig inspections by the European Commission in 2014, which moved from a thorough inspection to visual only. “Inspectors stopped cutting lymph nodes in pigs’ heads, which are known to contain abscesses and tuberculosis lesions. Under previous systems, the pigs’ head would have been rejected for food, but now the meat is minced to make sausages and meat pies, spreading the pus from the abscesses and TB material throughout these products".

What say you @SirGalahad ? Happy with these standards?

So in your logic if there are standards that are poorer - we should then disregard even worse standards as some sort of balancing act.

UK poultry producers are also required clean out sheds between flocks, while houses must have enough light to encourage natural movement, thus reducing welfare problems like footpad dermatitis and hockburn.

In the US, there are no federal regulations overseeing the standards for broiler chicken production, such as environmental conditions or stocking density limits.

US poultry farmers use lower lighting systems, which means birds are artificially encouraged to be less active and exhibit less natural behaviour. They are also not required to clean out sheds between flocks – meaning American birds can end up standing in filth from multiple flocks."
Why would I need to mention the chinese you dumbo. Your argument is then we are at least not as bad as the Chinese.

Dumb idiot.

Your the idiot

With 3 degrees as well :LOL:

How about don't buy the chicken or beef

Or perhaps if biden gets in there will longer be chlorinated chicken :confused:

As for China the entire place wants chlorinting

U idiot :LOL:
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