
Are you thinking of the complainant by Peter Dinklage? You know, the Actor with Dwarfism? If anyone has a right to complain about the portrayal of Dwarves on screen he's got to be in the running.


He's trying to jump on a bandwagon that isn't there tbh.

Dwarfs have always been also known as mythical characters in various stories for many a year, usually involving mountains and mining for treasure, metal working skills etc etc, not too far off how they portrayed in snow white. These sorts of tales have their roots in Scandinavian mythology


Should we now throw out our Warhammer model/toy sets, and boycott the selling of such?

Shall we cancel Tolkien for his hobbit and lord of the ring books? Burn them in the streets in rage at the damaging effect it has on dwarf's around the globe..

Technically femenists should also be in uproar, snow white makes an arrangement with the dwarfs that she'll do the cooking and cleaning while they go to work, why can't she go to work and one of the dwarfs stay home to cook and clean?

We keep telling youngsters that all are beautiful and self love etc etc, and then produces stories about fairest of them all i.e most beautiful in the land whilst also casting size zero stunners, Rachel zegler is cast as snow white, but why not cast Barbie Ferreira (a plus size actress) she's Latina?, Or even go the whole darn hog and cast a Latin trans.. cast the dwarfs as some kind of queer dance troupe instead..

I'm.sure we could pick more holes in the character portrayals, but if we did their wouldn't be much of a story left would there.

It's all a load of Botox, life almost seems to be a competition of who can be the most offended.

It does seem to be that creative freedom is being washed away by this incessant need to act offended.
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Rachel zegler is cast as snow white, but why not cast Barbie Ferreira (a plus size actress) she's Latina?, Or even go the whole darn hog and cast a Latin trans.. cast the dwarfs as some kind of queer dance troupe instead..

I'm.sure we could pick more holes in the character portrayals, but if we did their wouldn't be much of a story left would there.

It's all a load of Botox, life almost seems to be a competition of who can be the most offended.

It does seem to be that creative freedom is being washed away by this incessant need to act offended.

I've just had a flashback of an imaginary porno starring Jo Brand, consisting almost entirely of her left breast & her comedy routine based on the female menstrual cycle.

To understand why they do what they do is to understand Marxists & their need to inject their bile on society by backdoor methods, because nobody would ever open the front door if they knocked.
Disney could get around this by making Snow White and the seven tall people who identify as dwarfs.
... life almost seems to be a competition of who can be the most offended.
And the bigoted, who want retain their right to be offensive, are having a good go at being the most offended because others want to live in a considerate society.
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