Distance between houses

21 May 2006
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United Kingdom
Hello - I am currently seeking planning permission for a 2 storey side extension. I am expecting a visit next week from planning and wanted to be sure on my measurements. Next door's property has two external chimney breasts on their external wall which jut out about 35-40cms I think. When measuring from my side wall to the neighbouring detached properties side wall to get the gap between the two houses, I have disregarded these chimney breasts and measured from my wall to their main wall which therefore makes their house 35-40cm further away than if I measured only to the chimney breast wall. Hope I've made sense here! I am a bit worried now that planning will say that the gap is from my house to the wall of the chimney breast, not the main wall, which may affect our application. Just looking for some advice and thoughts. Thanks.
I understand your problem, but don't know if it will affect your application.

Our neighbours house has similar external chimney breasts and by the time we put up our extension there was a gap of about 4-5ft.
I understand the situation but don't really understand the question. How would measuring to one point of a neighbours house rather than another affect your planning application?

If you are saying your submitted drawings do not accurately represent the situation then the sensible thing to do is submit an amended (correct) drawing before the application is determined.
Hello - I am currently seeking planning permission for a 2 storey side extension. I am expecting a visit next week from planning and wanted to be sure on my measurements. Next door's property has two external chimney breasts on their external wall which jut out about 35-40cms I think. When measuring from my side wall to the neighbouring detached properties side wall to get the gap between the two houses, I have disregarded these chimney breasts and measured from my wall to their main wall which therefore makes their house 35-40cm further away than if I measured only to the chimney breast wall. Hope I've made sense here! I am a bit worried now that planning will say that the gap is from my house to the wall of the chimney breast, not the main wall, which may affect our application. Just looking for some advice and thoughts. Thanks.

There should be a drawing showing the neighbour's chimney breasts and the wall, with dimensions indicated, and then its up to the planners to choose which dimension to use.
Could you appeal it they used the chimney breast measurement ?
Not sure, but you cannot try to get one over them - that will never work in your favour !
I think this will be down to the individual planning officer and if they deem the neighbouring wall line to be that of the chimney breasts, then you may look at appealing it?

I would be interested to hear the view of another member on here (lpasengland).
Hi i just put in plans for a proposed extention but as it was under a certain size it only needs a building notice and a sketch of the ext and a drain details, however the planning office did point out that the 1996 Party Wall act could apply and i think it will apply in your case
as you are going to build less that 2 mtrs from the boundry and next doors property it says by digging out the footings it may compromise there wall as ne footing may have to go deeper than next doors
you can see the details on this on the planning portal wesite under the 1996 party wall act

Come on FMT... sort it out :p

Basically, the OP is proposing a two-storey extension and they have provided some dimensions (i.e. distance from neighbouring property to his proposed extension) to the local planning department... maybe to deem if it's PD or for another reason.

Anyway, the neighbouring property has two chimney breasts, which are located on the external wall. The OP would like to know whether the dimensions they should take are from the face of the chimney breasts or the main wall as the chimney breasts protrude approx. 400mm, which would have an influence on the size of their proposals.

Ahh so he's tryin to pull a fast one and now he's brickin it in case Mr Planner gets his tape measure out! :evil:
Well... I think it could be down to the individual planning officer as it's not "that" clear from planning guidance/advice documents.

As mentioned before, I'd be interested to see the opinion of lpasengland on the situation.
You could side step the the issue by removing the chimneys..........

..........so long as planning approve the chimney removal, of course! :p
You could side step the the issue by removing the chimneys..........

..........so long as planning approve the chimney removal, of course! :p

That may be a little difficult as the chimneys are not on his land but belong to the neighbour :p

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