DIYNOT book club. What book are you reading at the moment?

I'm trying to get hold of "Stereospecific Polymerization of Isoprene" by Elena Ceausescu. In a nutshell, it's all about cis-l, 4-polyisoprene rubber, an elastomer of synthetic rubber whose structure and properties are similar to that of natural rubber. Written by the wife of a communist dictator.
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I'm trying to get hold of "Stereospecific Polymerization of Isoprene" by Elena Ceausescu. In a nutshell, it's all about cis-l, 4-polyisoprene rubber, an elastomer of synthetic rubber whose structure and properties are similar to that of natural rubber. Written by the wife of a communist dictator.

& we'll be asking qu's later . . . .
I'm trying to get hold of "Stereospecific Polymerization of Isoprene" by Elena Ceausescu. In a nutshell, it's all about cis-l, 4-polyisoprene rubber, an elastomer of synthetic rubber whose structure and properties are similar to that of natural rubber. Written by the wife of a communist dictator.

How did he find time to dictate a book and a country?
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I'm re-reading Antony Beevor's account of the battle for Berlin:1945 - it has a documentary style but doesn't get bogged down in statistics or become judgmental about either side. There're plenty of personal accounts from Generals, private soldiers and civilians to bring a wide perspective to a devastating battle that shaped post-war europe.
I'd recommend reading his account of the battle for Stalingrad which could be taken as a companion to the battle for Berlin.

I have read his book on Stalingrad :cool:
I read something just about everyday. Generally well researched fiction when I can find it but it varies. Usually ~ an hour before going to sleep and maybe 1/2hr or so when I wake up. Plus some none fiction depending on what it is about. One concerned the Silk Road but I notice that sold so well there seems to be a number about it now. Pity.
Aquanaut - Ric Stanton.

His perspective on the Thai cave rescue.

I sort of forgot that I bought that when it came out, so thanks for reminding me & I read the first half of it last night.

I think they should rename it "1001 Reasons NOT To Go Cave Diving".

Finished. It's been awhile since I read a book so quickly but this is one you just cannot put down. A remarkable story from a remarkable man.

IME after reading such a good book, the next 4 or 5 are going to be crap in comparison.
The Great North Road: London to Edinburgh – 11 Days, 2 Wheels and 1 Ancient Highway, one chapter in so far so good
Reading about Bomber Command during WWII at the moment, (early planes, development of others, tactics, defence etc). After this I will start on The Tattooist of Auschwitz.
As per the title, what book are you reading at the moment. Hardback, paperback or kindle?

I've just restarted something I had a while ago. To hell and back by Niki Lauda.

Finding it hard to concentrate at the moment though, what with that bird from the Pussycat dolls flashing her flange all over the place on Strictly in the background! :rolleyes:

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Nice idea...... You should have worked for ITV....
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Half way through David Jasons biography. Not a bad read to be honest. Amusing in some places and very dry wit in others. Rubbed shoulders with some very famous names on his way up the ladder.
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