Hi everyone,
Couple of things, first, empip I have removed your previous message, and the one above. I dont appreciate you telling people how to remove adverts as they are the things that provide this FREE service. I have kept the adverts to a minimal, with 1 banner and 1 googlead, I have specifically made sure that the ads shown are not pop ups, pop unders etc.etc. Perhaps if people would like an ad free version of the site for a monthly/yearly sum I could set it up, but I have a feeling it would not be popular though. I appreciate that you may not like the adverts but without them the site would not exist, this site does churn up a considerable amount of bandwidth!
As for the forum software, I'm currently in the final stages of testing and setup of a much newer version which will hopefully help with the 'too many connections' error and add a couple of features (nothing too exciting, just somethings that will make life a bit easier). Maybe by the end of the week if all goes well, we can change over.
Richardp I may have to hold you to the group prayer!