DIYnot meet

4 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
What about a DIYnot pub meet, or something? Then we could all put names to faces, thank the experts, and mock the t*ss*rs. :D

Needs to be somewhere central, suitable for all (which might be difficult because we're all so secretive about where we live. Except in Breezer's case, where we we would have to meet half way between The Vatican and Christmas Island).

May be DIYnot Ltd. (or whatever the holding company is called) could stump up for a few beers as a sort of thanks for supporting their good cause? Presumably, DIYnot have a rough idea of where we are all located and could suggest a possible venue, perhaps?

Could be a complete disaster, but then it could also be a bit of a laugh.
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novel idea, but i dont think so. (see what i mean, its been read 28 times and i am as yet the only reply)

a few years ago, there was a similar thing for a computer forum (sadly it is no longer with us) out of all the "regulars" (like we have here) only four of us turned up.

but what the heck, i will go. any one else?
where's central? will i be able to make it there and back in my lunchbreak :)
Yeah, i'd be up for that. Might be good for a laugh. The rounds will be cheap too, if it's just the four of us :D
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OK. We've got Breezer in Aruba and kevplumb in Afghanistan, and me in South Devon. That makes "central" to be somewhere in the middle of Africa.

Kendor, could you make that in your lunch hour?

No doubt the moderators are reading this: Perhaps they could suggest a UK location which might broadly be centrally situated to suit forum users? Then someone could suggest a pub, or something, then all we need is a date and time (perhaps in Feb when work is at its lowest ebb), and see who turns up.

I'll suppose I'm expecting to see a bunch of intelligent-looking fit blokes, but who knows, we could all be 70 year old women with silver permed hair........ ;) so we would all need to be sporting, say, a DeWalt drill in our top pocket so that we recognise each other.......
I was thinking, if it went ahead, the people that arrive on scooters and wear parkas, would they be the mods?
I think it's a great idea. nearly suggested the same thing myself before xmas.

I'm in Lincolnshire so I'm able to get to any location fairly easily, I would suggest anywhere around the north side of the M25 would be pretty accesible from most of the country.

Come on, let's sort it out!
....but surely if you plumbers turn up, you'll charge for half an hours work whilst queuing in the bar!
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