Trump was right, Merkel was wrong.

and they have caused extinctions, crop failures, starvation and floods

your point is?

And none of them have been as sudden and abrupt as climate change caused by human industrialisation.

My point is you've been sold climate change myth as gospel. The climate has always changed, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. The Thames used to regularly freeze over until 1800. Did The UK suddenly start using cars and gas boilers 200 years ago? No the climate changed naturally in a short time. However you need to go back much further to see even bigger changes. Climate change exploiters gloss over this and don't like comparing the very long term changes that were massive and can't be explained away with bogus science.

Or you can keep buying the agenda of nut jobs like howling mad Great Funbags. Climate change is big business. Keep buying it. (y)
My point is you've been sold climate change myth as gospel. The climate has always changed, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly

the “climate has always changed” argument is a commonly used conflation, but it doesn’t disprove climate change.

Yes but carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased massively since the industrial revolution.

and the rapid warming we’re seeing now can't be explained by natural cycles of warming and cooling
I suspect as warned long ago that the odd hot cold shift and some aspects of weather pattern changes are down to deforestation - especially rain forest.

That doesn't dismiss warming. That just makes it worse.