Doctor Who

It wasn't at jonbey, it was all the others who are making arguments over a drama !

I was highlighting the "can't see what the problem" line

Jonbey spoke sense, as he normally does

Ta for that.
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Tom Baker WAS Dr Who.

Almost. Dr Who was John Pertwee.

Used to be get home on a Saturday evening. Mum would do us a special tea of salmon (tinned) sandwiches while we sat down to Dr Who then Brucie on Generation Game. Unless there was a power cut, then we'd sit by the coal fire with candles. Happy days! :)
Rumors hitting the streets of show biz is that the next Super man will have a girl playing the role.
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Then surely the lesbian should have been born a boy?
That's getting mighty confusing now!!

You can’t see the difference between an argument and a few comments made in jest.
However, if they mess with 007 then there will be trouble!

Haven't watched it yet, but hear that the new Doc Who is pretty good. I've watched em all, the only docs up to now I've not been fond of were McCoy and Smith.
That's getting mighty confusing now!!

However, if they mess with 007 then there will be trouble!

Haven't watched it yet, but hear that the new Doc Who is pretty good. I've watched em all, the only docs up to now I've not been fond of were McCoy and Smith.
There won't be a female 007 (current news anyway).
Personally, I like McCoy, but hated the two before him (Davison and & Colin Baker)
No. It'll still be Superman; just played by a woman.

There is already Wonderwoman so that can be played by a man.
I suppose the only one a woman wouldn't want to play is Iron Man:

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