Notch, just as a point of interest (I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything) about the chart you posted of Coronavirus symptoms. It seems that all viruses have all, or most, of those symptoms. When I have a bad cold, I get all those symptoms. Once or twice in my life I've been sure I've had influenza, because all of those symptoms were present but more severe and more prolonged. I've had chicken pox - also a virus; and that featured some, but not all of the symptoms. Common to all those diseases is high temperature (fever*), fatigue and muscle/joint pains.
Chicken pox doesn't have the coughs, sneezes and schits, but has, of course, the blisters. I once discussed these in-common virus symptoms with a doctor, and he told me that yes, this general condition caused by viruses is known as "Viraemia".
All over the world at any time, people will be in "Viraemia", some mild and some severe, but in the majority of cases it will be the common cold. How many of these cases of Viraemia are currently being wrongly attributed to Coronavirus I wonder?
*Fever is another Americanism. We used to say "high temperature".