Does Corbyn despise the working class ?

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I suppose Transam just makes this stuff up.

two minutes search on the web would find out.

nonsense take it up with the BBC radio 4 . They have a complaints procedure ;)

And when I say worked in the construction industry , I do not mean some paper pushing pencil shuffler ?

few off em have had a hands on proper job , never done a days work in there life
I don't need to take it up with the BBC, they didn't join this forum and post made-up nonsense.

You did.
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I don't need to take it up with the BBC, they didn't join this forum and post made-up nonsense.

You did.

you are the one who post's made up nonsense :LOL: then again paper shufflers / pencil pushers & X pencil pushers who do nothing of consequence like you ;) stick together :LOL:

Take it up with the BBC :LOL:
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There is, of couse, nothing to stop a bricklayer (or the man who works down sewers) standing as an M.P. but I suppose it is more likely that an office worker would consider it.
transam posted nonsense, and does he know what he means?


What a dummy.

dunno ? if its origin or life style ;)

As per usual when all else fails resort to your usual insults :LOL: not that it concerns me , u merely come up to expectations :LOL: or is that another one of your "goading posts" :LOL:

Is the word Dummy another way of calling some one retarded ;):idea::?:
There is, of couse, nothing to stop a bricklayer (or the man who works down sewers) standing as an M.P. but I suppose it is more likely that an office worker would consider it.

un-likely they would be selected to stand by the party (tory / Labour/ liberal)

There is nothing stopping any one standing for Parliament as a private citizen / independent
I suppose Transam just makes this stuff up.

two minutes search on the web would find out.

The king of Google strikes again :LOL: try listening a bit more to what people say on T.V or the radio as opposed to spending most of your time searching the web for your propaganda :LOL:

try the daily wail :LOL:
So called labour party never gave a damn about the working class. They just used them as a vehicle to gain power. When Blair, etc realised that the white, indigenous working class were a dwindling demographic, they jumped on the multi-culti bandwagon. They sought to flood the country with immigrants who would vote for them. They didn't give a toss that the working class that remained suffered because of the swarms who fill up housing, schools and hospitals and push down wages. To them, the working man was yesterday's convenient cause. Shame it didn't quite work out for the socialists, as they're heading for the wilderness now.

There are also several idiots on here who bang the drum for filling The UK with the world's dross. They probably do genuinely despise their fellow Brit, whatever class they are. Humourless people on some kind of guilt trip who won't be happy until they have totally changed the face of society. London today - everywhere else tomorrow. They want you and your offspring to live in a world where gangs, gun crime, stabbings, acid attack and rape are the norm. They think they're being nice by inflicting this on everyone, and the people who object are 'hateful'. They're the ones that really hate.
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