Does this sound suspect?

Don't want to worry you, but I know you are a bright bloke and have probably started thinking as I have that druggie/chavs need money. There is money in child p**n, cameras are used to record child p**n, young children often see sex with adults as 'monsters'. Is he afraid of what happened in front of the camera? I'd talk to the local GP if I were you. They may decide to call in a child psychologist to see if anything untoward happened. Hopefully it didn't, but it's far more common than most of us are aware. Hope I'm wrong.
That was precisely my thought mate. When he came over here one day, he was looking up the corners of my stairs (split level house, so you come in at the middle level, go down to the lounge), looking "for the monsters and bears" - needless to say, I thought this was just a kiddy fear thing and a product of an over-active imagination, not realising that some sick **** had been putting this in his head.
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Shytalkz - Thinks this one through. If you formally report your suspicions to Old Bill they have no option but to undertake an investigation. This will almost certainly entail consideration of a search warrant under Child Protection legislation.

If said warrant is executed and nothing is found then he is pre-warned of any suspicion by others and will be more difficult to catch out later. It is possible to swear out a warrant and hold it back for 31 days before execution to enable you to determine the camera's presence.

I would informally chat to your local Child Protection Team, be open with them and explain that you are willing to assist in gaining the necessary evidence to bang the little s**t up. If they have anything about them then they can use the Misuse of Drugs Act to cover the real reasons for searches and Police Attention.

As a matter of course they will liaise with the local Council Child Protection Team and get the child flagged as 'At Risk'. The first step to saving him from mental and physical abuse.
Tops: ace information, thanks a lot for this. Will speak to the ex about this and see what to do.
So, there was a camera in the room, but I must be missing something.

What, exactly, is saleably pornographic about a scared child alone in his room?
Was he always alone? Or was the camera recording something that went on in the room?
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So, there was a camera in the room, but I must be missing something.

What, exactly, is saleably pornographic about a scared child alone in his room?
Apparently there's a market for things like this; those sick pervs get off just on everyday pix/vids of kids, hence the ban on such at school sports days. I'm sure Tops could avail us of horror stories about that side of life.

However, that's but one aspect of it. Putting the fear of God into a 3 year old by threatening him with monsters and bears is bad enough on its own.
Was he always alone? Or was the camera recording something that went on in the room?
Found out that there was something rigged up in the loft, but my daughter is not too sure as to what exactly it was, as she couldn't get up there. She can't say with any certainty that it had anything to do with the camera. I'm pretty sure that she's not defending the chav; and I'm 100% positive that she had no part in this, from what little one has said about it all.
Joe-90 wrote:
I'd talk to the local GP if I were you
Spot on advice I'd say just to be sure nothing untoward has happened. If it has and nothing is done at this stage in his life to resolve the situation it could cause problems later on.

On a different note, I can't believe that Joe has actually suggested contacting a GP given his previous posts regarding their profession ... Joe, you are a complete hypocrite :LOL:

I can't believe that Joe has actually suggested contacting a GP given his previous posts regarding their profession ... Joe, you are a complete hypocrite
I don't quite agree with that.

I understand joe-90's gripe against GPs is the high salary vs. the apparent high proportion of incompetent practitioners.

That doesn't alter the fact that GPs are the public face of UK Primary Care, and the correct action is to approach one for advice.
Read a few of the past posts again Softus, Joe has said (on many occasions) that he would never visit a GP and would rather self diagnose using Google before going to Boots for his drugs.

The man is either a hypocrite or has such a short attention span that he's forgotton all the other ar*e he's posted ... Easily done given the degree of ar*e he posts :LOL:

I was aware of all of joe-90s views and preconceptions about GPs, but my point was, despite what many people think of him, that he's decent and reasonable enough to know that the correct process for someone in Shytalkz' position is to approach his GP.

I can see that you find that hypocritical, but I think it makes lends his case more credence that he doesn't dismiss GPs as completely useless to everyone in all circumstances.
Read a few of the past posts again Softus, Joe has said (on many occasions) that he would never visit a GP and would rather self diagnose using Google before going to Boots for his drugs.


What I actually said is that I make a habit of telling my GP what I think the problem is and (occasionally) suggest a prescription. You'll be surprised how little they actually know about their subject. They are 'generalists' that have little knowledge other than to refer you on to someone that has. They are, in essence, an overpaid triage service. Now YOU find a post of where I have ever said otherwise. (he won't).
You're right I won't.

I have far better things to do than look up all your previous banal posts ... I'd be here all night :LOL:

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