Dorries not doing her job.

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Substantial numbers of people who didn't vote for Sinn Fein are effectively disenfranchised because of Sinn Feins policy of abstentionism.
Just like Dorries then.

And most people who voted for something different but didn't get it.

It fptp politics
Just like Dorries then.

And most people who voted for something different but didn't get it.

It fptp politics
Not like Dorries at all.
She will eventually get the sack or walk away , Sinn Fein have been refusing to represent their constituents for years and been allowed to get away with it.
but struggle to understand why they sit in the NI assembly
Not hard to understand, by participating in the assembly they can subvert N. Ireland from within.
Their aim is to remove all traces of Britishness from N.Ireland by demanding legislation for Irish language, public inquiries into the actions of the Police and Army but no inquiries into the activities of the IRA of course.
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Whether you agree with Sinn fein or not.

If they were fairly elected, some of their electorate win, and some lose.

Just like any other constituency. Just like Dorries. You suggest that all her electorate are behind her politics? They all feel well represented?
Blimey if I was an MP I would be reluctant to turn up as well having to try and stay awake through all the waffle

As for having to hold some type of costuentcy surgery / meeting

Jeez us wept you would lose the will to live listening to a bunch of whingers about there housing needs / conditions

Any issues about over crowding or there house is not big enough now ect some would get sound advice

Tie a knot in it you fruit cake
Just countering your bias.

I'm no fan of SinnFein. But if they were fairly elected, then they are entitled to do as they promised.

Different to Dorries who never said anything about not attending.
Pretty sure their votes would have got Mays Brexit deal through at one stage. Appreciate the basis on which they were elected is not to participate in a foreign powers democracy but struggle to understand why they sit in the NI assembly

They won't swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch in the UK parliament so are barred from attending. The NI assembly doesn't require an oath.
I do find the comparison between Dories and the political wing of the IRA amusing.
Substantial numbers of people who didn't vote for Sinn Fein are effectively disenfranchised because of Sinn Feins policy of abstentionism.
They are represented in their constituencies and in London
"Sinn Féin MPs ... represent our constituents every single day of the week on social and economic matters ....
We do so in Ireland and in London. In order to represent our constituents we employ a number of staff. ...
Sinn Fein have been refusing to represent their constituents for years and been allowed to get away with it.
What part of this do you not understand:
"Sinn Féin MPs ... represent our constituents every single day of the week on social and economic matters ....
We do so in Ireland and in London. In order to represent our constituents we employ a number of staff. ...

Not like Dorries at all.
Precisely Dorries has ceased representing her coinstituents in her constituency and in Parliament.
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