Drill small screw holes in porcelain tiles

you can get away with a decent masonry bit. You will however, need to build a small plasticine wall around the point you want to make the hole and fill it with water (so obviously this only works on floors). You then drill your hole (on a slow speed). It will take a while, but it will go through eventually.

Remembering to turn the "hammer" action OFF :D
I did this on many occasions before I discovered tile bits.
I still do when the cheap naff tile bit has broken & i'm 1/2 way through the hole :D
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(Not sure what he's on about Salmonfisher, but if you're ever stuck without a diamond bit, you can get away with a decent masonry bit. You will however, need to build a small plasticine wall around the point you want to make the hole and fill it with water (so obviously this only works on floors). You then drill your hole (on a slow speed). It will take a while, but it will go through eventually)

wouldn't dream of trying to drill a porcelain tile with a masonry drill. if you ant got the tools don't do the job
So if you 1. Loose the tool or 2. Break the tool and don't have a spare. You're going to walk off the job? Get real - that ain't how it works in the real world. You adapt and overcome and move onto the next job and pick up another tool when you can.
I recently had to drill through 10mm porcelain tiles, I found the diamond encrusted bit (£10.50) worked well with a 99p plant sprayer to keep it cool. Need a helper to do the spraying.

I had tried a standard masonary bit, you can actually see it glowing in the porcelain :eek:
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I had tried a standard masonary bit, you can actually see it glowing in the porcelain :eek:
You will do if you don't submerge the drill whilst it's drilling. This should only really be used as a get out of jail free card, you're always better off using a diamond bit.
I recently had to drill through 10mm porcelain tiles, I found the diamond encrusted bit (£10.50) worked well with a 99p plant sprayer to keep it cool. Need a helper to do the spraying.

thats what he is for :LOL:


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