Why the heck anyone wants to be herded like cattle onto and off a plane with the 'pleasure' of the airport experience either side of it, goodness only knows.
Why the heck anyone wants to be herded like cattle onto and off a plane with the 'pleasure' of the airport experience either side of it, goodness only knows.
Troll behaviour and they do it often. You only need look back at some of the threads. It's all part of their master plan to píss off other forum users. Dull. Boring. Repetitive.
Why the heck anyone wants to be herded like cattle onto and off a plane with the 'pleasure' of the airport experience either side of it, goodness only knows.
It is a dreadful bore, especially when you have kids (and pushchairs) in tow. My missus takes a load of schoolkids skiing every year. Each adult is responsible for about 12 kids each. Passports, check-in, tags, liquids etc. Nightmare.
Troll behaviour and they do it often. You only need look back at some of the threads. It's all part of their master plan to píss off other forum users. Dull. Boring. Repetitive.