Still mulling over a DIY loft conversion. Getting my head round the idea. So PD states, no more than 50m cube of space added and dorma must be set 200mm back from eaves.
So where exactly are the eaves? The bit of facia the gutter is attached to? The wall of the house? Every picture I’ve seen just has the whole cross section listed as eaves then lists the component parts (rafters,facia,soffit etc)
plus I’m guessing the 200mm back applies to the finished tile/cladding of the dorma.
So where exactly are the eaves? The bit of facia the gutter is attached to? The wall of the house? Every picture I’ve seen just has the whole cross section listed as eaves then lists the component parts (rafters,facia,soffit etc)
plus I’m guessing the 200mm back applies to the finished tile/cladding of the dorma.