Big Tone
Me too, it's enough to try anyone's patience, although I'm reminded of what my ex in America used to say.. "You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar".You have more patience than I have.
Of course that’s not much good to us, unless you’re a spider.
I think it depends on whether you expect to get repeat business from people. If yes then a softly softly approach may be wiser. If no then you’ve nothing to lose from telling them they’re an idiot.
At work I often have to count to ten, a few times. When you work with people it’s better not to throw your toys out the pram; although I’ve noticed sometimes it’s the only way to make a point and the shock value from someone who never rants does make them think.
A somewhat placid and demur friend of mine was getting grief over some job they wanted ASAP and after forth time in a day being bugged did a ‘snapper’. The way he told it was quite funny coming from a mate wouldn’t ordinarily say boo to a goose. This is how it went, at approx 140 dB...
“There’s f_ckin doers and chasers! You are a worthless f_ckin chaser! Anyone idiot can be a chaser but I’m a doer. There’s more f_ckin chasers than doers at this place; now f_ck off and do something constructive while get on with the real work”
He could have been sacked but somehow got off with it. He’s good at his job, done it for decades, and the only one who can do it properly - and they know that. So I think that helped...
The moral of this story? Don’t be crap at your job and throw a wobbler.