ebus, Vaillant and tapping into the bus data

Small ESP devices are also normally programmable over the USB cable, if it's running or can run the same firmware as the official adapters unplug it from the ebus, connect it to a laptop and use the webpage: https://adapter.ebusd.eu/v5/firmware.en, you can erase the settings and re-connect to the network with that.
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A little progress....

I am sometimes managing to reset it, now - it takes much, much longer than the 5 seconds suggested, it then reappears as an access point. From there I can configure it, on my wifi LAN, ping it, and access the status, plus configuration page, but not much else...

It's not responding to telnet, via its IP, or via o esp-ebus.local:3334

(Correction - me getting frustrated, and making mistakes) o esp-ebus.local 3334 works. Back now to the Rpi set up....

This ebus adaptor, just has to be faulty! I have written to the supplier and designer, I'll see what they have to say, but....

Pinging the IP, always works, never fails. All the rest, are intermittent, working sometimes, rarely - as in ‘Telnet> o esp-ebus.local 3334’, ‘http://esp-ebus.local/param ‘, ‘ping esp-ebus.local’,’ http://esp-ebus.local:5555’. At those times when one works, they all work, when not, none work - all fail to get a response.

Thinking it might be inadequate power, being ebus powered (it can also be powered via the USB-C), I powered it externally - it made no difference.

I'm now waiting for the supplier to reply..
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I got up this morning, opened up Telnet, typed in Telnet> o esp-ebus.local 3334 and this was the result, when left it last night, Telnet was unable to connect...


Lots of continuous data being sent from the ebus adaptor.

Whilst that was running, I opened up Terminal in the Rpi and -$ ebusd

That responded with '[main notice] discovering device from "mdns:" try 1/3'
next line 2/3, then 3/3, before 'unable to discover device "mdns:", none found'.

Soon after which, all access to the adaptor failed again, apart from being still able to ping it..

Yes, I managed to edit... It was locked to root, but I found a way.
3) Change the scanconfig target to point at your wifi ebus board:
EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d ens:"

to EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d ens:"
It has suddenly changed the style of gibberish, it is putting on the Telnet screen. It is now producing a consistent character, with an occaisional variation...

It produced the complete gibberish this morning, from soon after I got up, for maybe a couple of hours, then stopped, the status and configuration web pages of the device, became inaccessible, as usual. Then a few minutes ago, opening telnet. it was all back to working, but producing this.... Is this what it should be producing?

It is all explained in the info on github for the firmware ... https://github.com/danielkucera/esp-arduino-ebus

  • the adapter listens on following TCP ports (latest SW):
    • 3333 - raw - on this port you can both read and write to the eBus - ebusd config: -d esp-ebus.local:3333
    • 3334 - listen only port - everything sent to this port will be discarded and not sent to bus
    • 3335 - enhanced protocol - ebusd config: -d enh:esp-ebus.local:3335
    • 5555 - status server - you can telnet to this port (or http://esp-ebus.local:5555) to see some basic status info
After a series of exchanges with both the seller, and the designer of the ebus powered wifi adaptor, they have agreed with my own diagnosis, that it is faulty. They have agreed to refund me.

I'm still puzzled by it's strange on/off behaviour. Nothing I have tried, will have it begin transmitting data, nothing I have tried will stop it - whether it works or not, seems completely random, though the periods where it has worked, seem to have increased, over the past few days. The device, includes an uptime counter, in milliseconds. It's been plugged in running for two days, but stopped working late yesterday evening. This morning, it was working again, so I checked the uptime counter - it was showing an uptime of 6.5 hours. So that, confirms it is starting and stopping..
[UPDATE] The supplier, agreed a refund on the faulty ebus interface, so I ordered a replacement, which turned up yesterday. The replacement is rock solid, a continuous stream of data from it, just one thing - neither this one, nor the faulty one work very well just deriving power from the ebus - they do need a USB supply, or in my system they did, a Vaillant 418 Pure, plus VR65, the only two things on the ebus.

Having got that part working, and installed EBUSD on my new Rpi 5, I completely stumped as to what I am supposed to do next - HELP PLEASE???

This is all have been able to get out of EBUSD....

it's not seeing the parameters for ebusd in /etc/default/ebusd but I thought we'd covered this previously in the thread.
Is the IP address of it still
The address "esp-ebus.local" could work. You can tell if it will be work by running this command:
ping esp-ebus.local
and if that succeeds then it should work. If not then you need to find the IP of the device and make it static so you don't have to keep editing the config file.
Is the IP address of it still

Yep, never moved. I allocated it that address, in my router, via it's MAC, and reallocated it the same address, when I installed the second unit.

Is the IP address of it still
The address "esp-ebus.local" could work. You can tell if it will be work by running this command:

and if that succeeds then it should work. If not then you need to find the IP of the device and make it static so you don't have to keep editing the config file.

esp-ebus.local did work, now doesn't ping, pinging always works, never ever fails.

and if that succeeds then it should work. If not then you need to find the IP of the device and make it static so you don't have to keep editing the config file.

It has always been set as a static address.

I've tried various configurations of that 'scanconfig' line, and nowt has worked so far. I'm finding Linux, very cryptic..
A question.....

If I edit the file with nano, can I just edit, then save it ctrl+O, then go straight to the prompt and type/run ebusd ? No need to close nano, or reboot the Rpi?

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