I got up this morning, opened up Telnet, typed in Telnet> o esp-ebus.local 3334 and this was the result, when left it last night, Telnet was unable to connect...
Lots of continuous data being sent from the ebus adaptor.
Whilst that was running, I opened up Terminal in the Rpi and -$ ebusd
That responded with '[main notice] discovering device from "mdns:" try 1/3'
next line 2/3, then 3/3, before 'unable to discover device "mdns:", none found'.
Soon after which, all access to the adaptor failed again, apart from being still able to ping it..
Yes, I managed to edit... It was locked to root, but I found a way.
3) Change the scanconfig target to point at your wifi ebus board:
EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d ens:"
to EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d ens:"