Election TV coverage

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
Out of interest, those that watched the broadcasts of the election results (were there any?) Who do you think had the best coverage and the best graphics etc?
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Don't know who had which graphics as I channel hopped.

I loved the triangle with labour, tory and lib corners. They should have used it more to show exactly where results had come in.

Also was impressed with the map of constituencies where they put on bars above the map to show the majorities. It showed how big a mountain the tories once had in the SE compared to what they have now.
I had the ITV coverage on TV and the BBC News site on the computer. Occasionally flicked the TV over to BBC. I found that ITV were well ahead with the results.
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I think ITV were posting results well before the final declaration. I noticed that both started on a government majority of 66 which is where we ended up. But ITV soared about to dizzier heights up into the 80s before settling down again.