
15 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Cook Islands

Will be changing as the day progresses.



In Scotland, councils begin counting votes on Friday morning. The first results are expected around lunchtime and should continue until the early evening.

Welsh councils begin counting votes on Friday morning. The first results are expected around lunchtime and should continue until the early evening.

Votes for the Northern Ireland Assembly start being counted on Friday morning. The first preference votes are expected around lunchtime and the results will follow in the afternoon and throughout the evening.
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Result: Labour take Barnet Council from the Tories
In a second historic win of the night, Labour have taken Barnet Council from the Conservatives. The council has been held by the Tories for 20 years and Finchley was once Margaret Thatcher’s seat.
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Northern Ireland might be interesting.

Some of the parties are accepting of the Protocol and don’t want Westminster to start breaking it.
somebody earlier said:
...the Tories are going to get hammered having, according to them, deliberately misled the public, lined their mates pockets, made a complete hash of Brexit negotiations, deliberately ruined the economy, caused thousands of Covid deaths and not forgetting that paint and paper job on Boris's flat....

Looks like he was right.

Though he forgot to mention lying to the nation, to Parliament, and to the Queen.

£200 million of dodgy political donations by Russian sources may not have helped.
A clear vote of no confidence in Joris Bohnson.
If it is, it doesn't say much about Sir K either. The Lib Dems seem to have done very well.

I have to admit I didn't bother voting this time - too busy, despite having a postal vote. I suspect I will be punished by a a libDem council win, installing more pointless speed bumps and 20mph limits everywhere.

I will of course vote in important elections where we choose who will lead our country etc.
£200 million of dodgy political donations by Russian sources may not have helped.
And £1.5 billion into the hip pockets of Tory chums and £30 billion wasted on a poxy app. Meanwhile Daily Wail readers are enraged over a few million quid squandered on dark people.:rolleyes:
And £1.5 billion into the hip pockets of Tory chums and £30 billion wasted on a poxy app. Meanwhile Daily Wail readers are enraged over a few million quid squandered on dark people.:rolleyes:
Sorry correction: £37 billion wasted on an app.
After a knackering day over the allotment, I was in, showered and in my Jim jams by 6.00. I didn't remember about voting until around 9.00 and I CBA to get dressed and go out again although round here the Upminister and Cranham residents association member always wins so she was a pretty safe bet anyway. She won again.
Does anyone think Sir K will be the next PM?
Sadly there are too many people happy to vote for a disgusting lying, cheating govt that is destroying democracy.

the Tories will fight the dirtiest, illegal, gaslighting campaign to win.

nothing Johnson does is for the benefit of the country, all his decisions are for his own ratings.

It’s really sad that people like you are happy with that.

I’m no fan of Starmer nor Labour generally, but it would at least mean a return to adults in power.

Johnson is just Trump
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