Electric bins- why?

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
On the way to work yesterday, I walked through a park and noticed that although they have regular bins they also have electric bins.


I used one. You have to put your foot on the bar at the bottom and then pull the handle down. It reminds me of the out of hours deposit boxes that banks used to have. You can deposit something but not access anything in the bottom. My question is "why"? I can see that they will be urban fox proof, but why the need for the electronics? It would would equally well if you just pulled down the handle. And again, the other bins are perfectly accessible to rats/foxes.

In no way am I bashing the local council, I am just hoping that someone can explain why it needs to have LEDs. The only thing I can think of is that when full, it will prevent anyone from trying to put anymore rubbish in.
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On the way to work yesterday, I walked through a park and noticed that although they have regular bins they also have electric bins.

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I used one. You have to put your foot on the bar at the bottom and then pull the handle down. It reminds me of the out of hours deposit boxes that banks used to have. You can deposit something but not access anything in the bottom. My question is "why"? I can see that they will be urban fox proof, but why the need for the electronics? It would would equally well if you just pulled down the handle. And again, the other bins are perfectly accessible to rats/foxes.

In no way am I bashing the local council, I am just hoping that someone can explain why it needs to have LEDs. The only thing I can think of is that when full, it will prevent anyone from trying to put anymore rubbish in.

Novelty value alone might make people more inclined to use them?
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No doubt something else to sync with people's smart/dumb phone wifi/bluetooth wotsit - enabling them to stare at them even longer. :rolleyes:o_O

What a load of rubbish!
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Maybe the UK is trying to get ahead of the German's for the next race tournament?

As well as compacting the rubbish, the bins can also be polled by software to see if they are full or not so that collection routes can be organized and manpower used more effectively.

Although if it has a compactor inside it I really would not want to be the poor bugger that has to open it up in a park, in my park they are 90% full of dog poo bags.
Could these be a new target for hackers? #hackthebins
As well as compacting the rubbish, the bins can also be polled by software to see if they are full or not so that collection routes can be organized and manpower used more effectively.

Although if it has a compactor inside it I really would not want to be the poor bugger that has to open it up in a park, in my park they are 90% full of dog poo bags.

When I used it today, it looked like someone hadn't even bothered using bags for the dog poo...
That will be the effect of the compactor, think of the effect of jumping on a big cream cake :cool:
Hopefully those will tell you to F--k off and take your rubbish home with you.


So people should not use public spaces unless they are willing to carry their own bin bags?
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