Having spent most of my time in industry I found no one was interested in qualifications more about you and your last job.
Having said that I though it was time I up-graded and did the three night classes available C&G 2381 Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS7671:June 2001), Management of electrical equipment maintenance based on the IEE code of practice for in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment. Inspection and testing of electrical equipment based on the IEE code of practice for in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment, C&G 2391, Inspection and Testing. After doing them I found any other course needed day release but being on the sick the opportunity to take the C&G 2330 came up. Oh what an eye opener would not want to employ those students. Didn't know Silver was a conductor, and the course well I wanted to learn the right way to bend tray I have bent miles by cutting bits and bolting together seems someone had stolen their bender. 2 years ago and still not replaced! It was a complete waist of time and I did not continue did a degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering instead.
Night classes great but I would not do any full time course under level 4 and those in full time or day release courses level 3 and below sorry to say don't seem to want to learn and spoil them for the minority who do.
P.S. I did take up-grade and have 2382 now!