EU holidays still on the amber list.

Two problems I forsee, rip people off for 2 seasons in a row and the season after that will be dire, Spain and Portugal will look very cheap. The other problem is local hostility towards holidaymakers, they've had the place to themselves for a while now and they aren't happy about sharing it with outsiders again, the local press are stirring division in this department as well, headline stories tend to be 'beach crowded' or 'house in St Ives sells for £500K, probably to a Londoner

I spend some time in Pembrokeshire. Similar but house prices a lot lower but gaining interest. There was a point where it looked like it would go the same way as Cornwall but house buying and tourist visits started to drop. It started to drop due to relative holiday prices in europe. People got used to that and as prices in europe increased just carried on going. ;) I tried to explain this to a local business type bloke who runs a beach cafe and he said you can rent so and so sleeps 6 for £1500 a week at the time. 6 as usual with this sort of thing would be cramped and fewer could spend a week in say Benidorm for a similar amount and no self catering. The cafe used to turn over £100k+. First time it dropped below that the owner sold it. Now, not sure ~20+ years later I suspect it still hasn't reaching that. He's the new owner.

The Press etc - doing what they usually do. Have to think of something to say.
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Last year my wife and I told the neighbours we were going to the south of France for two weeks. We made a big show of loading up the car and setting off. Later, having pushed the car into a nearby canal, we returned under the cover of darkness. After burying the suitcases in the garden we re-entered the house through a downstairs window and hid behind the settee. For days we kept perfectly still and quiet, defecating into plastic bags to avoid flushing the lavatory. However, we were discovered after ten days when a neighbour, who had come in to water the plants, saw my wife's foot poking out from behind the settee. Next year we shall be more careful and hide in the wardrobe.
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Yep shipping costs have gone up. I suppose that customs is involved at the EU end especially on vat free exports. I order 2 things a week apart. ;) The first order arrived a week after the 2nd.

Customs checks haven't started this side yet. Due to be phased in. That will be interesting. :)
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