EU Presidency logo

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
The total cost of the design is just over £30,000. This includes the development and production of the design and the integrity guidelines for its use.
shock: :eek:

If you ever wondered !! and they boast about it -- We must be as daft as they think we are.. are those swans plucked ? ... certainly f- - - e d
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pipme said:
The total cost of the design is just over £30,000. This includes the development and production of the design and the integrity guidelines for its use.
shock: :eek:

If you ever wondered !! and they boast about it -- We must be as daft as they think we are.. are those swans plucked ? ... certainly f- - - e d
Info not so easy to find Click here
That's cheap! for a logo these days! I remember the Beeb paying £2,000,000 for theirs and at a time when redundancies were looming!
Scandalous .. But then what can you expect ? Tar and brushes come to mind .. best thing on the beeb is R4 by a country mile .. their logo would be cheaper, on air anyway ! ;)
We are probably not been given the true cost here either. The £30K is only the agency fee. The EU would then have had all new stationary, signage, staff uniforms and any sign written vehicles(if applicable)etc, would also have been changed or repainted. The true figure will be far more than they have said.

kendor, do you know if the figure you quoted for the BBC included all the other costs? as it sounds much more realistic to me.

The worse one of these "re-brands" must be when the post office changed to consignia, what a stupid waste of public money that was. :rolleyes:
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I could do it much cheaper, look:


And I notice that THEIR logo doesn't have The Fonz on it :rolleyes:

I guess being president is useful, keeps one away from running UK ltd edition ... Comfortably in position to blame others when things go wrong !!
david and julie said:
kendor, do you know if the figure you quoted for the BBC included all the other costs? as it sounds much more realistic to me.
It's hard to know if the quoted figure had been doctored as it was well known by staff about money wastage in the corporation. my guess would be that that figure was far in excess of that, one would like to think that was for all expenditure but it seemed to be common knowledge amongst staff that it was actually just the fee.
Wouldn't surprise me as money was no object in those days and several suppliers to the BBC would take advantage of the slack reputation for accountability by adding a few zeros to invoices, is it any wonder programme making was so expensive.
By the mid nineties accountants were brought in to administrate and it went from one extreme to another where everything is accountable right down to studio floor space being charged per metre/squared!
One thing i do know is that the accountability only seems to affect the working end of the corporation ie the ones that actually do the work and produce the programs and ancillaries , it doesn't seem to have affected those in management too much :eek:
I Remember redundancies flying around like mad on the shop floor at one time and you'd go up to the 6th floor of TVC to smell the booze and hear the racket going on from a packed room of partying suits.
kendor said:
......... floor space being charged per metre/squared!
Blimey, our overheads at one time were by the cubic metre ... just another accounting jape ... change to M² and lower the overheads at a stroke or two !!
pipme said:
kendor said:
......... floor space being charged per metre/squared!
Blimey, our overheads at one time were by the cubic metre ... just another accounting jape ... change to M² and lower the overheads at a stroke or two !!
I think the Air space was left for another department to charge for it. ;)
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