even the Spectator wades in

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
The combination of Covid-19 and Brexit is a double whammy.

The first was a haymaker that hit Britain from nowhere. The follow up will come when Britain, quite deliberately and with malice aforethought, winds up its fist and punches itself in the face.

The economic impact of the virus will be accentuated by the UK leaving the EU without a deal or with a meagre free-trade agreement, warns a grim report, sponsored by the Best for Britain think tank.


and the from the report it links:
Severe economic disruption predicted in North West and Midlands if UK exits Brexit transition period without a deal, new Social Market Foundation report reveals

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The combination of Covid-19 and Brexit is a double whammy.

The first was a haymaker that hit Britain from nowhere. The follow up will come when Britain, quite deliberately and with malice aforethought, winds up its fist and punches itself in the face.

The economic impact of the virus will be accentuated by the UK leaving the EU without a deal or with a meagre free-trade agreement, warns a grim report, sponsored by the Best for Britain think tank.


and the from the report it links:
Severe economic disruption predicted in North West and Midlands if UK exits Brexit transition period without a deal, new Social Market Foundation report reveals


Get over it. No deal is on the way. EU is fooked. Get another hobby. You're preaching to handful of people on this forum who really don't give a flying one. You make no difference at all. Nobody cares about your propaganda. Get a life.
Thanks for voting for Brexit though(y)
Get over it. No deal is on the way. EU is fooked. Get another hobby. You're preaching to handful of people on this forum who really don't give a flying one. You make no difference at all. Nobody cares about your propaganda. Get a life.
Thanks for voting for Brexit though(y)

Its rather sad the way brexiteers are so desperate for validation, they keep on whining "The EU is about to collapse" .....they've been saying it for decades

ps you clearly do give a flying fook -its why you've posted such a rant
The first was a haymaker that hit Britain from nowhere.

Really? I mean really? Covid-19 hit Britain out of the blue? It hadn't been anywhere else, just landed in Britain? I suppose to punish us for Brexit, eh?

You do realise that any vestige of legitimate argument that you might occasionally have gets subsumed in the burning stupid that you post in your obsessive rants.
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Really? I mean really? Covid-19 hit Britain out of the blue? It hadn't been anywhere else, just landed in Britain? I suppose to punish us for Brexit, eh?
To be fair, that was Notch7 copying and pasting the article.
He didn't make that clear.

Notch has a habit of passing off as his own copy pasta from various sources. Doesn't really matter what the source is, it's still garbage.
Really? I mean really? Covid-19 hit Britain out of the blue? It hadn't been anywhere else, just landed in Britain?

Of course it did. If it had arrived first in China, then devastated Italy, we would have had weeks to prepare, and wouldn't have suffered so badly.

if we'd known it was highly infectious, incurable, potentially fatal, and especially dangerous to the old and frail, we wouldn't have sent infected people into care homes without testing them and proving them negative.
Notch has a habit of passing off as his own copy pasta from various sources.
I am terribly sorry but this is incorrect -my post included the links so I clearly have not 'passed it off as my own'.

please don't post something that is patently untrue

Doesn't really matter what the source is, it's still garbage.
what is the point of posting a blind opinion?

you have provided no counter argument, so I can only assume your claim that what I've posted is 'garbage' is based entirely on your personal opinion drawn from confirmation bias.

Many publication over the last few years have said that a hard brexit will damage the North. If you would like I can post you some.

If you have any worthwhile evidence that backs up your claim of 'garbage' please go ahead and post.
There is already a certain amount of tension building in the richer member states as the bulk of the money borrowed would be given to those seen as the poorer states

but that was exactly the argument that this government used in its election as a vote winner: 'vote for us and we will invest more in the North'

which if they did that, it would be a good thing -dont you agree that richer regions should help poorer ones?
the EU have put lots of money into the A8 countries that joined in 2004 and those countries have benefited a huge amount and now have growing economies. More importantly those Eastern block countries are now much more stable and less likely to be damaged by Russian influence -Russia has sunk lots of money into brexit as it sees it as destablising the EU.
Nice try Notchy but no cigar. :mrgreen:
Thank you for admitting you are 100% wrong, well done for being a man and admitting it

Ceres admits he posted lies in a fit of pique and cant back up what he said

I don't agree that our country should pay for countries such as Italy and Greece to allow massively over generous early retirement packages. Our country is only regarded as so wealthy because we have not been reckless with our spending.
Thank you for admitting you are 100% wrong, well done for being a man and admitting it

Ceres admits he posted lies in a fit of pique and cant back up what he said


Nice try Notchy but no cigar. :mrgreen:

There's clearly some part of that you don't understand but never mind. As you were.:LOL:
I don't agree that our country should pay for countries such as Italy and Greece to allow massively over generous early retirement packages. Our country is only regarded as so wealthy because we have not been reckless with our spending.
that is a whole different argument, one that should not be conflated with EU membership fee.

Don't get me wrong, the Eurozone has serious structural flaws, especially where the Southern nations have had struggling economies for decades.

The frustruation I have is this over simplistic argument that the EU membership fee is a basic zero sum game, which is is not.
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