Excess Deaths...

I had an NHS letter telling me to so used a mobile walk in centre that was just doing the boosters and only working on certain days. Turned out to be quick and easy. Seems this one seldom gets long queues. About 20min for both me and wife. :) The google map marker. Well we have 3 retail centres close together with separate entrances in a one way system. Smallest in the middle which is where the marker was. Fortunately people had worn a path through the hedge.

Our GP phones a few weeks later for just my wife and not me. Can't tie names and addresses together. :( There flu jab hasn't work well for some years, saves them contacting people so we have used a local chemist for 2 years now.
My GP is very bad at appointmenting, but I went in for a flu jab and they offered covid boister while I was there.
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how many would have had worse problems without the vaccines
Covid can do a much better job of messing people up. Lungs, kidneys, liver, brain and yes the heart. All can result in long covid of varying durations and then death at at any time from catching it. Blood thickening also figures.

Forget AZ. It's been dropped. First move was that it may increase the chances of blood clots in younger people. Difficult area. All ages can have this happen all of the time. Covid itself can cause it. The 2nd reason it was dropped relates to the immune response it produced.

Things have moved on again. The boosters are spikevax. Tuned for omicron and should also still be ok with delta. Not sure but think a smaller dose can be used as well making it cheaper. Why the change - it relates to the immune response again.

;)What to take. I reckon aspirin. Thins the blood and is an effective anti inflammatory. 1/2 a 300mg tablet a day past 60 is also thought to reduce the risk of a stroke. Covid can cause that as well.
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Will you be able to get an astra zeneca booster in the UK present day yes or no
Ah so we now we have the tweaked version. Any apology being circulated or is that all in the past, let's move on.
Marvellous, when these jabs first came out they was the bees knees, roll your sleeve up take this jab that's still under trial.
Two years on and the tweaking still goes on.
Don’t they 'tweak' the flu vaccination every year? I dunno how they know what strain is coming though.
when these jabs first came out they was the bees knees,
I assume that you didn't notice the virus changes? Or that it was expected to? Or that it will probably continue to?

Get an AZ now. Maybe possible if some has had none but I expect they will get spikevax or Pf instead.

One of the reasons for using several different ones was to look at long term effectiveness. Also changes in covid itself. There have been a number listed here

For France but same here except Kent came from the UK initially. It all started with alpha. There are subspecies of each one that has been given a letter. Kent was a variant of beta.
Better view
Comparatively harmless. Perhaps troll gantgas is afraid of Calpol too. Poor love.
Any one ever come across or read the monthly paper called the

The Light ?

The uncensored truth ( there slogan)

Was in a sandwich shop and picked
Up a free copy never heard of it before

Several articles in it

“ Truth emerging Covid shot highly
Dangerous and utterly inafective”

“ covid jab 48000 Harold Shipman’s and counting “

Two of the head line articles
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