exploding Tellys

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masona said:
andrew2022 said:
Eddie M said:
Switching off at the socket should be fine, like I always do :oops:
all my stuff like that lives in standby. even my comp
I have done a few fire training and according to them you should never leave anything on standby.

Don’t leave your television on standby – switch it off at the set. Any appliance left on standby can use 80 per cent of the electricity it uses when it’s switched on.

Most fire start from faulty electricial inside the TV, my last Television caught fire while I was watching it, let alone on standby :!:

One of our PC at work last year caught on fire because it never switched off, it was full of dusts :!:

I can only sleep at night when the sockets are off now.

it is in STR. the only power used when in standby is the power from the PSU when switched 'off' to keep the memoty form 'forgetting' the data. its like bein shut down, just it starts up in a few seconds and still has all my programs open
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Scoby_Beasley said:
Eddie M said:
I haven't got all that stuff above BTW :LOL:
Just most of it :(

Flash Git !! :LOL:

It's all cheap stuff :LOL:

I'd rather be shot of most of it.

Igorian... Turn the PC off now there's an idea !!
Just a word of warning: it's better not to use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust from the inside of your PC's. The synthetic brush attachment or plastic pipe can build up with static and any discharge could result in component damage. Far better to get a can of compressed air and give the innards a good blow out ( nearly said job :oops: ) Make sure you're not in the house when doing this though or else the missus will be non too pleased with the nice new coating of dust on furniture.
Surefire said:
Just a word of warning: it's better not to use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust from the inside of your PC's. The synthetic brush attachment or plastic pipe can build up with static and any discharge could result in component damage. Far better to get a can of compressed air and give the innards a good blow out ( nearly said job :oops: ) Make sure you're not in the house when doing this though or else the missus will be non too pleased with the nice new coating of dust on furniture.

remember: dont have the pressure at 400PSI. you may loose a few parts.
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And wear a mask if in an enclosed space. You'll be amazed at what will come out: spiders (dead and alive) pieces of paper, toenail clippings (urgh), some items that resemble Bombay mix, to name but a few. Oh and of course dust (mainly made up of dead skin cells).


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