One would not expect them to be particularly widely available in Australia - isn't it the case that one has to 'go on a course' (albeit I think only a half-day one) there before being allowed, in law, to fit a plug? (we have an expert in this thread who will undoubtedly be able to confirm or refute!).
Kind Regards, John
You would be surprised!
(See )
I have not heard of such a course, although it may exist.
In the days of Colour TV Using Cathode Ray tubes, the Queensland Government tried to enact legislation/regulations which would have prevented TV Servicemen, who were working on TVs with up to 30 kV supplies for the Picture Tubes, from fitting a new 240 V 3-Pin Plug. - because they were not "Licensed Electricians"!!!!
In Australia, only "Qualified Persons" are
allowed to work on Electrical "installations".
However, in New Zealand (with the same set of Wiring Rules (AS?NZS 3000), "Homeowners" are allowed to carry out certain work on their
own premises.
(These "installations" are supposed to be checked by an "Inspector" but, who knows.)
In fact, the NZ Government issues a document telling people how to do the things which they are allowed to do
how to do it
This document seems to have become a little bit more difficult find
In Australia, all the equipment that one needs to carry out electrical "work" is freely available at "Hardware Stores", Electrical "Suppliers" and by Mail Order .
In the case of the latter two (usually) "No Questions Asked"
Sparky Direct is the leading electrical wholesalers in Australia, with over 5657+ five star online electrical supply shop reviews. Start saving today.
(Hardware stores do have notices stating "These products nest be installed by a Licensed Electrician" - which probably covers their "responsibility".)
A point to note is that "Clipsal"
(Now a Schneider company) does
not allow its products to be sold at "Hardware Stores" - only at "Electrical Suppliers".
Possibly because of this, Bunnings sells DETA products, which are virtual copies of Clipsal products and actual "electricians" do
not buy these DETA products - because they obtain
genuine Clipsal products cheaper on their "accounts" at their Electrical Supplier.
Hence, if an Australian has any DETA product installed, it is virtually certain that the job was
not done by a "Licensed Electrician".
Hardware Stores and Electrical Retailers can sell to anybody because, to prevent them from doing so, would be a "Restriction of Trade" and illegal.
Because of the above, Australia is in the worst possible world when it comes to Electrical Installations and repairs.
(The same applies to Plumbing.)
While all materials are freely available, only Qualified Persons are "allowed" to carry out such "work".
If a "Homeowner" (or his mate) carries out such "work", there is no
legal way for it to be "inspected".
Yet, all of these products are being sold daily!
In spite of the above, there seems to be few problems with the "work" done in this country "under the lap".
(However, my Electrician Son does sometimes tell me of the "poor installations" which he has encountered.)
For some "background" on myself.
My Father was an Electrician (as was my Grandfather)
my Son
is an Electrician (and to him I refer any Questions which I have.)
I became a "Communications Technician" and went on to using/programming computers (1959) and working with Telephone Company (PMG,/Telstra) "Statistics".
Spare time activities/hobbies were "electronics" and - in the days of monochrome TVs - repairing "duds" and reselling them !
Gave that up when Colour TV came along. Just maintained my own and that of my in-laws.
With regard to Colour TV in Australia, you might be amused to see how the ABC introduced Colour TV to Australia,
from Midnight on 1 March 1975.
Actually, the ABC "cheated" the Government regulations as to the time that Colour TV would "start" in Australia in that the colour started to "leak" about 30 seconds before midnight and it was in "Full Colour" at midnight.