Hotrod/chappers; well thanks for that guys, it’s been a real revelation to me & I’m at a loss for words. I’ve always worked to the Approved Documents believing they were “The Bible”! Looking at the links you gave, am I right in saying the BR’s are actually statutory acts of law! They date from 1984 & 2000 &, as we all know from the Approved Documents, things seem to have changed dramatically since 2000 let alone 1984!
I will make a point of looking through them when I get bored with sticking pins in my eyes but they are comparatively old & I’m confused as to how the “Approved Documents”, which have changed dramatically since around 2000, can reflect what was considered to be good practice 8 or more years ago, are they also updated? Are they radically different from the "Approved Documnets"?
Are the “Approved Documents” merely someone’s new slant/reinterpretation of the original regulation? A bit like updating the definition of a wheel by just including the various types & construction of wheel you can get; if you get my drift! This begs the question that if the Approved Documents have just expanded/stretched the original definition of “the wheel”, are they actually worth the paper they are printed on? Presumably, when things get really difficult it’s the statutory documents that take precedence!