
9 Apr 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
what a brilliant race.actually saw some overtaking,skillfull driving @ high speed(no police in vectras though :eek: )just at the edge of your seat nail biting competitive racing.brum brum.......................
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ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
what a brilliant race.actually saw some overtaking,skillfull driving @ high speed(no police in vectras though :eek: )just at the edge of your seat nail biting competitive racing.brum brum.......................

I must have blinked and missed those bits :LOL:

If they only showed the good bits in a highlights fashion, they could fit the F1 GP in a spot the size of an ad break and then show something more worthwhile, like motorcycle racing. That's a real sport:cool:. At least the riders actually talk to the interviewers on the grid, rather than the 'I'm too important and haven't got time for you' attitude that comes across from a number of F1 drivers.
A few laps at start and a few at the end ... the rest, usual procession .. F1 is so devoid of real racing that an actual overtaking causes ripples of applause ....
Go here to have your say, temporarily suspended due to popularity ... http://www.fia.com/index_1024.html ... Demand for change I hope !!

One make supremacy makes for rubbish racing ... Scraps in the pack are no substitute for wheel to wheel at the front .....
Whose turn is it to win this week ? Track and accolade queuing for the top 3 or 4 ...
Most of the rest are making a fortune through being uncompetetive but happily in the 'club', daylight robbery for the mugs who pay. ....

There is, apparently, an unwritten agreement, to which Ferrari does not agree (well done!).. limit testing to 30 days until season's end ..... Not much practice for a real F1 driver then .... Probably carried out by 'test driver' .... Just the race to hone the skills, but then many never really finish .. And contractualy not allowed to really race elsewhere.

Ah, for the days of the real drivers, many different types of car, many races .. much danger, very little in the way of driver aids ...
Media driven, tosh today ... I guess the customer demands little more than the wail of the engine a flash of advertising a few complaints from a "I can still win the title" misguided Scot out of Monte C, as much chance as Jackie S coming back .... and of course the thud of the helicopter blades as the 'superstars' race off post race, to count their dosh.

Rallying is nearer the real thing .. Mo-cyle GP too.. !

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I dont like football, but I dont go on about 90mins +30mins, then kick at the goal..Each to his own..
Just think we could all like wood flooring. :LOL: :LOL:
I missed most of it :cry: Monaco is the one that I usually deliberately avoid each season, as it is usually so processional.

I've had a few ideas as to how they could make the sport more interesting. If they were to make sure ALL the tracks have plenty of run off areas, why not allow deliberate nudges. Another idea would be to make all the cars two seaters, and have every car carry an OAP passenger, armed with a brolly.

Joking aside, one major improvement would be to make it accessible to ordinary people. I recall hearing how Jensen Button had made it into F1 despite his humble background. His father was only able to invest £80K per year in his sons hobby. :eek: What a deprived childhood he must have led :rolleyes:

Me? Jealous? Never. When I'm up in heaven, I'll take great joy from watching all those F1 drivers trying to push their camels through the hole of a needle.