I have a battery-operated wireless-controlled clock on my garden shed, a present from five years ago. Two weeks ago, it suddenly stopped.
I've changed the battery twice but still hands don't move. The battery terminals in the case are quite clean. The hands, glass and electronics are all in a sealed unit so it's unlikely to be corrosion of the mechanism, but...I can't get inside, even if I knew what to look for. I can't imagine what's gone wrong.
I've checked with the NPL and the time signal is still going. The clock is Chinese-made but the instructions say that Precision Clocks Ltd in England made the mechanism so I sent them an email but got no reply, other than an acknowledgement that they received the email.
I think that five years is rather a short lifetime for this clock. I've no idea what it cost but I'd guess £80 or so. Do I get another one and hope for the best or do I pursue Precision Clocks?
I've changed the battery twice but still hands don't move. The battery terminals in the case are quite clean. The hands, glass and electronics are all in a sealed unit so it's unlikely to be corrosion of the mechanism, but...I can't get inside, even if I knew what to look for. I can't imagine what's gone wrong.
I've checked with the NPL and the time signal is still going. The clock is Chinese-made but the instructions say that Precision Clocks Ltd in England made the mechanism so I sent them an email but got no reply, other than an acknowledgement that they received the email.
I think that five years is rather a short lifetime for this clock. I've no idea what it cost but I'd guess £80 or so. Do I get another one and hope for the best or do I pursue Precision Clocks?