Fair Play....

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Either we remain closely tied to the EU or we turn towards the US. There is no middle ground. The US will demand lowering standards and the EU will demand higher standards.

I think we will move towards the US model. People will just accept the worsening conditions as the new normal.
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Or, "revisionist" (y)

Brexit was sold on a lie, so it cant and wont deliver on its promises.

nothing revisionist with that statement.
Brexit is a con and will always be a con.
Itll make plenty of money for the Tories and supporters, not so much with the Northern voters, they will be poorer.
Nevermind, I live in the South.
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Brexit was sold on a lie, so it cant and wont deliver on its promises.

nothing revisionist with that statement.
Brexit is a con and will always be a con.
Itll make plenty of money for the Tories and supporters, not so much with the Northern voters, they will be poorer.
Nevermind, I live in the South.

No, you're the revisionist. You change your position as the situation changes, claiming to be "ahead of the curve" all along(y)
Either we remain closely tied to the EU or we turn towards the US. There is no middle ground. The US will demand lowering standards and the EU will demand higher standards.

I think we will move towards the US model. People will just accept the worsening conditions as the new normal.
I look forward to you being proved wrong.
I look forward to you being proved wrong.
Johnsons deal already proves that we either remain closely tied to EU or we trun to the US.

If you think thats going to be prived wrong, youd better start hoping Johnson will negotiate another deal.
No, you're the revisionist. You change your position as the situation changes, claiming to be "ahead of the curve" all along(y)

Nah, wrong.

I did vote out, but since my position has been the same: brexit will be a loss of control.

It is true that Johnson with a karge majority could tell the ERG to do one and get a soft brexit.
Or Johnson could keep his hard brexit, fail with EU FTA and a no deal would be the only possible outcome.
No deal would wreck his 5 year term, a soft brexit would not.

We will see how it plays out, however my position has been solid: there is no brexit benefit and Johnson will fail to secure an FTA or if he does itll be a total capitulation.

'Get brexit done' is a lie, only a soft brexit can get done.

Unless you want to 'get a no deal brexit done'.....in which case expect dither, delay and failure.
Either we remain closely tied to the EU or we turn towards the US. There is no middle ground. The US will demand lowering standards and the EU will demand higher standards.

I look forward to you being proved wrong.

Johnsons deal already proves that we either remain closely tied to EU or we trun to the US.

If you think thats going to be prived wrong, youd better start hoping Johnson will negotiate another deal.

Notch, Galahad has stated that the EU will demand higher standards from us to consider any deal.
Now, given that the current status is that we share the same standards because in most cases the EU has strived to equal our already high standards, why do you and Galahad feel that in order to qualify for a deal, we would have to meet standards that exceed those of the EU, surely this would be unprecedented in the history of trade deals, no?
Can you give me a link to this new information you and G'had have been supplied with.
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