As per usual you are given the proper procedure which is really easy to understand but you cannot grasp it . Are you sure you are not female 
But this is going to change.I agree that it does not seem to me to be any offence to merely have a car parked on the street without insurance or an MOT as long as it is not used.
No. It could just be one of the many "initiatives" which the current government keeps re-announcing to make the gullible British think they are actually doing something.But have you followed when that's going to become law?
Why? I'm sure there must have been accidents caused by a car parked at the side of the road and those involved have tried to bring a claim against the owner of the the parked vehicle, but have got nowhere because the owner did not have any money. Most uninsured/untaxed/no MOT vehicles are driven by people who can't afford to pay the cost of insurance/tax/MOT, so what chance is there of recovering £X thousand from them.Its a bit naughty to require someone to insure a car merely parked when its not being used!
But have you followed when thats going to become law?
If that is the case, why does http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroom/DG_174086 issued 20 January 2009 specifically say:I think you will find that it is already law and has been for many years. 1986 the latest amendments, and 1974 prior to that. It is an offence to keep a vehicle on a public road without there being in force a valid MOT, tax and insurance.
If that is the case, why does http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroom/DG_174086 issued 20 January 2009 specifically say:
The new measures will make it an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle - rather than just to drive when uninsured - making it easier to catch uninsured drivers and keep them off the roads.?