I need to replace a garage roof. The existing garage roof is 6m x 2.5m and is attached to the house on the long length. It has 6m furrings to provide a fall. These are attached on the wall plate and on the opposite outer wall. The 2.5m joists are attached above these furrings. However the furrings only have a fall of 5cm to 0cm. This only gives a fall of 1:120 which is not enough for this 6m length. What is the solution? Is a solution to run additional 6m furrings perpendicular to and above the joists. What fall would these need considering there is already a 5 to 0 fall? Would 6 to 1 in addition be ok. This should then give 1:60 fall if I’ve got the calculation right. The garage would have an EPDM membrane instead of the existing felt.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Any advice would be appreciated.