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15 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
It would appear that some visitors to this Forum have a certain degree of protection or influence where moderation of posts is concerned. Is this because they are moderators themselves or are they romantically linked in some way?
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It would appear that some visitors to this Forum have a certain degree of protection or influence where moderation of posts is concerned. Is this because they are moderators themselves or are they romantically linked in some way?
Is this about my prat remark? :LOL:
Just one of. Your prat remark to me in another post didn't get deleted. There are other examples also. Usually where you or JohnD are involved.
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What the hell does that have to do with it?
The 1289 in my old username was haunting me. It had nothing to do with my DOB but people assumed so. I dont mind the fun jibes, but when people assumed I was 17, they really didn't want to take my advice seriously. ;)
What a surprise. Another innocuous post removed. I'd told Steve to stop patronising me and that he was going on my ignore list. I told him to have a sherbet dip to celebrate the fact that he was the first person I'm ignoring. Can anyone see anything in there to justify being deleted? I suspect some mod/posters are abusing their position.
or maybe theyre fed up with you whinging all the time. its a forum for gods sake, get over it :rolleyes:
Help! mods, Thermo called me a whinger. His abuse has caused me offence. Quick delete his post.
FYI Thermo, I just happen to disagree with the way some of my recent posts have been deleted without explanation. I also happen to disagree with the way some posters either abuse their moderator status or possible links to a moderator to delete that which is unacceptable to them personally but would not usually offend the majority of forum visitors. Yes it is a forum for gods sake, but is there any point in participating if your efforts are wilfully discarded because you happen to upset the one or two people who have access to a delete button. All I'm asking for is a level playing field. Apologies if my indignation has caused you offence.
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