What I don't get is why they stay here.
Now, I dislike the current government's crusade against the middle-class, however I can tolerate it. I know that in a few years the government will change, I'll be a bit happier for a while, and it will bounce between the two for as long as I live.
However, if I had a genuine hatred of this country, it's traditions and all it stands for,
1) I wouldn't have moved here
2) If I had been born here I would be considering moving away.
There are PLENTY of islamic countries, even Iran if you want a full-on theocracy. Instead of sitting in Finsbury Park mosque, pi**ing and b*tching and whining about how 98% of this country doesn't share your beliefs, get the funk out. We are pretty happy the way we are. We like bacon. We like looking at girls' cleavage in public. We like beer. We think a nice rare steak is good, why drain all the blood out? We like Christmas and Easter, and have no idea what the hell Eid is about. We like the Solar calenda, the Lunar calendar is wrong! We like painting pictures of people and animals. We feel no need for circumcision except where medical neccesity dictates.
They reckon the reason Madrid was bombed is because it had been a Moorish land, and Ozzy BL wants it back in the hands of muslims... well, sorry mate, but before the Moors invaded it in the 8th century it was a Christian land! In fact, it was populated by Goths, who were of course a Germanic people... therefore we (as a Germanic country) have more claim to it than any muslim!
In this country a muslim has the right to practice their beliefs openly and with tolerance from those around them. However, our laws take precedence, and I would like to think our traditions take precedence too. Every muslim I have ever met certainly appears to appreciate this. I asked a muslim friend if the Immam makes the call to prayer from the top of the minoret in British mosques, he says not. Let's face it, if you got woken up at dawn every day by a sound not unlike a cat in pain, you would be pretty angry. Yet he has never complained about church bells waking him up on a Sunday.