why not say it when your grandmother dies of dehydration or your father has to wait 3 days for critical drugs or your wife and son nearly die in childbirth or
or when having sold all you belongings and have no more money to pay for her treatment your wife dies. That was in a modern advanced country called the USA where there is no NHS and almost all treatment has to be paid for by the patient or thier insurance company. But you cannot get insured for some conditions unless the premium is more than the cost of the treatment that is known to be needed to keep the patient alive.
The NHS has a lot of problems, not helped by a lot of people using it un-necessarily, but it is there when needed 99% of the time.
Hospitals need to have the old fashioned Matron who ruled the nursing side of treatment with a rod of iron and could sack nurses who failed to meet the required standards of treatment and discipline.
Living in a totally sterile bug free world would be fine but the bugs never would obey the rules. So constant low volume exposure to bugs and infection is necessary to enable the immume system to keep up to date and be prepared for when a high volume of bugs appear and need to be fought off. Those people whose immune system is not up to date due to having lived in near sterile condidtions will succumb rapidly when exposed to large numbers of a new bug or mutations of an existing bug their immune system has had no experience of.