Finally some good news.

"""Finally some good news.""""
Of course,Jonnnyboy straight in to shoot it down in flames....Followed swiftly by Razzler Lal and Gal no doubt
Questioning the reporting is not shooting it down in flames. It is rational inquiring, checking the maths, call it what you will, but shooting it down in flames, it is not.
I am beginning to understand why some people describe you as 'silly'.
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Indeed, it's not being touted as a panacea or a vaccine or a cure, but simply as and effective, cheap aid for preventing deaths. There is no bad news here as far as I can see.
No-one is suggesting it is bad news. We're (I) am just questioning the maths.
Questioning the reporting is not shooting it down in flames. It is rational inquiring, checking the maths, call it what you will, but shooting it down in flames, it is not.
I am beginning to understand why some people describe you as 'silly'.
I guess some people just want to enjoy a good news moment for a little while before someone comes along and ruins it. I don't think that's silly.
Had. Big word. Had my aunt been born with a pair of ******, she’d be my uncle.
I suggest you send your comment to the BBC.
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But it is only effective for those needing oxygen or ventilators?
Those who needed oxygen, 1 in 8 were helped.
Those who needed ventilators 1 in 25 were helped. That's not 25% fewer.
I'd guess they said 'up to' 25% fewer, or something similar.

The report said that those who need neither showed no improvement with this drug.

But it is only effective for those needing oxygen or ventilators? Those who need neither showed no improvement with this drug?
That seems to be right. Even widely available and heavily used medication have side effects. Steroids in particular weaken the immune system, so going to early could mean that you get worse. This is trying to reduce the immune response for very sick people where the immune system goes haywire and destroys your lungs by accident. My guess is they went straight to the max safe dose for the steroid to see if it's safe. At those levels it can be a little dangerous, so if you use it on a million people it'll kill some who wouldn't have died otherwise. So two reasons not to give them out like smarties.

Think of it as an airbag in a car, they save lives in crashes but of it went off every time you stopped the car you'd probably do more harm than good.
And only 1 in 20 needed hospital treatment. I'm assuming that the ones not in hospital were not given this drug.

Then why the mention of sufficient stockpile to meet the demand of a potential second wave, and the banning of exporting it?
Only hospitalised patients were taking part in Recovery. My guess is the stockpiling is knee jerk just-in-case, and maybe defensive PR. Not wrong but not because it's rare.
Questioning the reporting is not shooting it down in flames. It is rational inquiring, checking the maths, call it what you will, but shooting it down in flames, it is not.
I am beginning to understand why some people describe you as 'silly'.
Another misery guts...notice Lal Gal and Razzle never post in what have you done today,or best photo.Too full of misery and paranoia.
You'd be thankful if one of you or yours were "the one", though. As I would be too.
That is not in question. I'm questioning the maths. Is that so wrong?
Is it normal to level such silly questions and comments at people who question the maths?
Durhamplumber's "shooting it down in flames"
Mottie's "had my aunt been born etc"
Your "if one of yours etc"

I'm questioning the maths, for Christ's sake. Get off your 'defence of government at all costs' hobby horse.

As far as I can see, it is not the wonder drug it is touted as. Additionally the maths look suspect.
1 in 8 is not a third, and 1 in 25 is not a fifth.

On top of that, only 1 in 20 would be potentially eligible for this treatment. It's effect on the virus is null.
Granted its treatment of the tiny minority could be life-saving. (1 in 8 or 1 in 25).
Additionally, the drug is not manufactured in UK (I suspect) hence the stockpiling and banning of export.
So while the discovery of its effectiveness on the small minority of patients might be a UK discovery, the drug is not a UK discovery and is not manufactured in UK. Therefore with all the testing of existing drugs going on around the world, it is pure chance that a trial in UK discovered the effect of the drug. Obviously, cooperation around the world (via WHO?) meant that the same trials were not being duplicated.

For those receiving oxygen it saved one patient's life of 25 patients treated (cutting deaths by about a fifth). For those on ventilators, it saved a patient's life of 8 patients treated (cutting deaths by about a third).
It has no effect on whether someone gets the virus or on the severity of the virus caught. Nor does it help those who are mildly affected by the virus, indicating that it works by treating particular symptoms rather than the virus itself.
The maths still do not seem to add up, to me. ('scuse the pun).

If those making silly and irrelevant comments could explain the maths, it would be much more helpful.
I guess some people just want to enjoy a good news moment for a little while before someone comes along and ruins it. I don't think that's silly.
Fair comment. But I'm not out to ruin anyone's day. Just questioning the maths.
It's normally considered good practice to question other's maths.
It seems not on this occasion. :(
My guess is the stockpiling is knee jerk just-in-case, and maybe defensive PR. Not wrong but not because it's rare.
And because it's not manufactured in UK?

Meanwhile I recall that other countries that were banning the export of certain med' supplies were pilloried by some.
Now the UK has banned certain exports, that's a good thing?
Fair comment. But I'm not out to ruin anyone's day. Just questioning the maths.
It's normally considered good practice to question other's maths.
It seems not on this occasion. :(
Hard wired into you,same as LalGal,to run down the UK. V Bad Habit.
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