188 complaints Vs 30.000+. wow the populace really has it in for him this time

the ducks back has never been so wet.
Just you wait Nickso - Clarkson's comments will be reported in a national newspaper sometime around Chirstmas and then you'll see everyone start complaining about it. Its too soon yet!
I'm saddened that we live in a world where we have to be 'nannyed' by Ofcom etc.. If you don't like something on TV change the channel or turn it off and do something more constructive. There are 10s and 10s of channels nowasays all showing equal amounts of rubbish so there is always an option to big-mouthed Clarkson. I personally find it interesting to hear his views and jokes even if i don't agree with them all but i consider myself an adult and if i don't like what i'm watching i am more than capable of deciding that i don't like it myself and changing the channel.
People should find better ways of using their time than writing complaint letters about a JOKE. Life is too short.